Community-powered Marketing
Campaign Assistant is our community-powered marketing tool, allowing clients to view all email campaigns sent by our network of opted-in KORE EMEA clients via our integrated email service providers.
Campaign Assistant compiles the email history from our clients, allowing you to search on content keywords and get new and fresh design ideas. You can also view in-depth detail such as campaign content, details, statistics and benchmarks.
Campaign Assistant is available to all KORE EMEA Master Data Management Platform clients who have opted-in to be part of the community.
You can opt-in to Campaign Assistant at any time. This makes your campaigns visible to the opted-in KORE EMEA client network, whilst also enabling you to view campaigns from all other opted-in clients.
Opt-in is managed at organisation level, therefore if one user from your organisation has opted-in then your organisation will be opted-in. The same applies to opting-out.
- If you have not already opted-in to Campaign Assistant, click on Campaign Assistant and select Browse from the left-hand menu.
- You will be directed to the Opt-In page. Read the text and if you are happy to do so, click Opt-In.
- You will now be opted-in to Campaign Assistant.
Campaign Assistant Menu
After logging in to APPS, navigate to the Campaign Assistant module from the left-hand menu. On the Campaign Assistant menu, you'll see five options: Spotlight, Browse, Browse your Campaigns, Exclude Campaigns and Opt-Out.
- Select Spotlight from the left-hand menu.
- Here, you will see your most recently sent email campaigns and the most recently sent emails across the KORE client network, followed by the top 20 emails with the highest open rates and the top 20 emails with the highest click through rate across the opted-in KORE EMEA client network.
- To navigate through the emails in each list, use the arrows on the right and left of each row.
- For more information, click anywhere on the email and a pop out box will show the full design as well as information on performance statistics (excluding any monetary values).
- Select Browse from the left-hand menu.
- Here, you will see the full library of campaigns sent by opted-in KORE EMEA clients. Click on the funnel icon to filter the campaigns.
- To find out more about the metrics that we use, hover over the question mark icons to view the information box for each metric.
- Select your filter criteria then click Filter.
- Alternatively, use the search field to search for a campaign by subject line.
Browse your Campaigns
This is the same as browse, however, only campaigns sent by your organisation are listed.
- Select Browse your Campaigns from the left-hand menu.
- Here, you will see all campaigns sent by your organisation.
Exclude Campaigns
The Exclude Campaigns function enables you to make specific dispatches unavailable for other opted-in KORE EMEA clients to view. This may apply if you are sending out emails containing confidential information for example.
- Select Exclude Campaigns from the left-hand menu.
- The Exclude Campaigns page will display the dispatch ID of all currently excluded campaigns. Input the dispatch ID (separated by commas if there are multiple to exclude at the same time) and click Create Rule.
- You will then be directed to the Browse page. Go back to Exclude Campaigns to view the dispatch IDs of all currently excluded campaigns. If you wish to make the campaign available in Campaign Assistant again, click on the dustbin icon.
- The excluded campaign is now available as confirmed in the success message in the lower right-hand corner.
If you decide to opt-out of Campaign Assistant, you will no longer be able to view campaigns from all other opted-in clients, and all of your campaigns will be removed from Campaign Assistant so that other clients cannot view them.
- Select Opt-Out from the left-hand menu.
- If you are sure that you want to opt-put, read the message and click Opt-Out.
Contact your Customer Success Manager if you require any assistance outside of what is outlined in the Help Center.