Within Contact Management, it is possible to group and ungroup records, as well as perform some important GDPR actions if requested by a contact. You can also view and manage suppressions within this module.
Find out more about the basics of using Contact Management here.
GroupID vs System Ref
A GroupID is the aggregation of multiple client identifiers from individual sources belonging to one individual, grouped together to form the KORE Golden Record. Each unique contact is assigned a GroupID which is the KORE identifier, and this is displayed within a contact record in Contact Management.
A System Ref is the client identifier from individual sources. A GroupID may have multiple System Refs. System Ref may also be referred to as Client ID, Client Reference Number, Member Number, Fan ID, Ticket Account Number, Supporter ID etc.
Grouping Logic
The KORE grouping logic depicts that System Refs with enough matching details belong to the same individual, and therefore groups them together to create one GroupID/Contact Record per person.
Occasionally, you may need to manually group together GroupIDs that have not met the KORE grouping criteria but all belong to one individual.
- Once you have located the GroupIDs that you would like to group, click on any of the GroupIDs that you would like to group with another and click Group.
- When grouping, you'll need to select which is the 'master' GroupID and which is the 'child' GroupID. The main details for the overall GroupID will be taken from the master. Use the search field to find additional Contact Records to group together with the one that you have selected. Click Search.
- Locate the GroupID that you would like to group with the Master GroupID and click Add Group ID XXXXXX.
- Repeat the search process if you have more than one Child GroupID to Group with the Master GroupID record. Once all of your Child GroupIDs have been located, click Group Contacts.
- If you are sure that you would like to group the GroupIDs, click Group Contacts.
- The GroupIDs have now been grouped and will be processed overnight.
- If you search for the Contact Record the following day in Contact Management, you'll see that the GroupIDs have now been grouped.
Alternatively, you may need to ungroup a Contact Record if the System Refs within that GroupID belong to multiple individuals.
- Once you are viewing the GroupID that would like to ungroup, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner and select Ungroup.
- If you are sure that you would like to ungroup the GroupID, click Ungroup.
- The System Refs have now been ungrouped and will be assigned separate GroupIDs when processed overnight. If you search for the Contact Record the following day in Contact Management, you'll see that the System Refs that were within the GroupID have now all been assigned separate GroupIDs.
After ungrouping in Contact Management, the records will be re-added to the regular grouping overnight process. If this regroups the records that should not be regrouped, please raise a case on the Service Desk.
Unsuppress a Record
- Once you have located the record that you would like to view, you'll see that if a suppression exists within the GroupID, the word Suppressed will appear next to their name in the top left-hand corner. This suppression will be displayed under Suppressions on the lower left-hand side of the page. It is possible to remove the suppression depending on the reason and at the request of the individual. Click Unflag Suppression.
- You will see a double confirmation message. If you are sure you would like to remove the suppression, click Unflag Suppression.
- The unsuppression request will then be actioned overnight. If you search for the Contact Record the following day in Contact Management, you'll see that the GroupID will no longer be flagged as Suppressed.
If this is unsuccessful and you still wish to remove the suppression, please raise a case on the Service Desk.
GDPR Actions
It is also possible to perform some GDPR actions within the GroupID record. Once you have located and viewed the GroupID, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner to view and select the options.
Flag Deceased
With this option, you can mark a Contact Record as deceased. A deceased Contact Record is automatically added to the suppression list, which also excludes them from receiving any further communication and removes them from the Filter Builder.
With this option, you can suppress a Contact Record in the database to ensure that they are no longer contactable. All of their details will remain within the database, however they will not appear in the filter builder and cannot be contacted.
With this option, you can anonymise a Contact Record in the database should they request to have their data removed. Also remember to anonymise the data in your
source systems as well.
All personal data and transactions of the relevant GroupID are anonymised and this data can no longer be recovered in accordance with GDPR legislation.
If a Contact Record has an SSO account and you anonymise it in Contact Management, you still need to delete the SSO Account via the SSO Admin Tool.
Request Information
With this option, a report is generated containing all the personal and contact details of the Contact Record which are stored by KORE. You can provide this report to a supporter if a request has been made. In this case, you’ll also need to make sure that you also retrieve any other data directly from your source system/s.
Contact your Customer Success Manager if you require any assistance outside of what is outlined in the Help Center.