- Contract Type - Choose whether the rate card applies to a lease or a rental
- Lease Sub-Type - Select which lease sub-type this rate card belongs to. There is a separate training which will walk you through how to configure lease sub-types. If this was entered as a rental under the Contract Type field, leave this field blank.
- Rental Sub-Type - Select which rental sub-type this rate card belongs to. There is a separate training which will walk you through how to configure rental sub-types. If this was entered as a lease under the Contract Type field, leave this field blank.
- Event List - List which Event List(s) this section rate card applies to. If this rate card applies to multiple event lists, separate the event lists with a comma and only one (1) space.
- Price List - List which Price List(s) this section rate card applies to. There is a separate training that will walk you through how to configure Price Lists. If you would prefer not to configure Price Lists, leave this field blank.
- Sellable - Denote "Yes" or "No" whether this rate card is active or not.
- Lock Mode - Here you can select whether the rate will be Fixed, meaning it will not be overwriteable; Overwriteable, meaning the user can change the imported rate to a different rate; or Manager, which mean that only a user with the Suite Manager permission role.
- Ticket, License, and SRO Fee - When configuring Premium Fee Types, these will appear in your section rate card template. Input those rates as applicable.
- Section List - List which section(s) the rate card applies to.
- Row - You have the availability to break out section rate cards by row. Of you'd like to denote a particular row to have a specific rate, here's where you can create this. Most organizations like to denote row A as a higher rate than other sections in the row.
When you've completed these field, import your rate cards through the Rate Card Import/Export Tool.