KORE uses a SQL Server database as part of our CRM-integrated products (Ticketing, Sponsorship, and Suites & Premium). For some entities or objects, KORE treats the CRM data store as the “source of truth” and copies them to the SQL Server database. For others, KORE treats the SQL Server database as the “source of truth” and copies them to the CRM data store.
The tables on this page show which entities are copied (synced) in each direction, along with how that entity is named in each system. Each entity consists of several fields.
Note: koreps
stands for KORE Pro Sports, an older name for our suite of CRM products.
Objects synced from CRM to KORE
Entity | Dynamics Entity | Salesforce Entity | KORE Table | Sync Order |
Account | account | Account | SyncedAccounts | 6 |
Appointment | appointment | Task | SyncedActivities | 14 |
Campaign | campaign | Campaign | SyncedCampaigns | 11 |
Case | incident | Case | SyncedCase | 21 |
Contact | contact | Contact | SyncedContacts | 7 |
Country | kore_country | not synced | SyncedCountries | 3 |
Currency | transactioncurrency | not synced | kore_currencybase | 2 |
not synced | SyncedActivities | 15 | ||
Fax | fax | not synced | SyncedActivities | 12 |
Industry | kore_industry | koreps__Industry__c | SyncedIndustries | 5 |
Lead | lead | Lead | SyncedLeads | 8 |
Letter | letter | not synced | SyncedActivities | 13 |
MarketingList | list | koreps__ContactList__c | SyncedMarketingLists | 9 |
MarketingListMemberCollection | listmember | koreps__contactlistmember__c | SyncedMarketingListMembers | 10 |
Note | annotation | Note | SyncedNotes | 20 |
PhoneCall | phonecall | not synced | SyncedActivities | 16 |
RelatedTicketingName | kore_relatedticketingname | koreps__Related_Ticketing_Name__c | SyncedRelatedTicketingNames | 19 |
StateOrProvince | kore_stateorprovince | not synced | SyncedStateProvinces | 4 |
Task | task | Task | SyncedActivities | 17 |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_ticketsalesopportunity | koreps__TicketSalesOpportunity__c | SyncedOpportunities | 18 |
User | systemuser | User | SyncedUsers | 1 |
Objects synced from KORE to CRM
Sponsorship & Fan Engagement
Entity | Dynamics Entity | Salesforce Entity | KORE Table | Sync Prerequirement | Sync Order | Sync Order (new SF) |
ApprovalStatus | koreps_approvalstatus | koreps__approval_status__c | kore_approvalstatusbase | - | 5 | |
Billing | koreps_bill | koreps__billing__c | kore_billbase | DealSheet, PremiumDeal, Season, Round | 17 | |
Category | koreps_category | koreps__Category__c | kore_categorybase | - | 6 | |
DealLine | koreps_dealline | koreps__Deal_Line__c | kore_contractlinebase | DealSheet, Season, InventoryItem, RateCard | 19 | |
DealRating | koreps_dealrating | koreps__deal_rating__c | kore_contractratingbase | 9 | ||
DealSeason | koreps_dealseason | koreps__Deal_Season__c | kore_contractseasonbase | DealSheet, Season | 18 | |
DealSheet | koreps_dealsheet | koreps__Deal_Sheet__c | kore_contractbase | Season, PaymentOption, ApprovalStatus, DealType, DealRating | 16 | |
DealType | koreps_dealtype | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Type__c | kore_contracttypebase | PaymentOption | 11 | |
Division | koreps_division | koreps__division__c | kore_divisionbase | - | 3 | 4 |
Event2 | koreps_event | koreps__Event__c | kore_eventbase | Season, Round, Division, PriceList | 15 | 5 |
InventoryItem | koreps_property | koreps__Property__c | kore_propertybase | Product, Category, Division | 10 | |
InventoryItemSeason | koreps_inventoryitemseason | koreps__Property_Season__c | kore_propertyseasonbase | InventoryItem, Season | 13 | |
PaymentOption | koreps_paymentoption | koreps__Payment_Option__c | kore_paymentoptionbase | - | 7 | |
PriceList | koreps_pricelist | koreps__pricelist__c | kore_pricelistbase | - | 4 | 3 |
Product | koreps_product | koreps__product__c | kore_productbase | Category | 8 | |
RateCard | koreps_ratecard | koreps__Rate_Card__c | kore_ratecardbase | InventoryItem, Season | 14 | |
RosterRelationship | koreps_rosterrelationship | koreps__roster_relationship__c | kore_rosterrelationshipbase | DealSheet | 20 | |
Round | koreps_round | koreps__Round__c | kore_roundbase | - | 2 | 2 |
SalesGoal | koreps_salesgoal | koreps__sales_goal__c | kore_salesgoalbase | Category, Division, Season | 12 | |
Season | koreps_season | koreps__Season__c | kore_seasonbase | - | 1 | 1 |
Suites & Premium
Entity | Dynamics Entity | Salesforce Entity | KORE Table |
EventClassification | koreps_eventclassification | koreps__EventClassification__c | kore_eventclassificationbase |
PremiumAddon | koreps_premiumaddon | koreps__PremiumAddon__c | kore_premiumaddonbase |
PremiumDeal | koreps_premiumdeal | koreps__Premium_Deal__c | kore_premiumdealbase |
PremiumDealAddon | koreps_premiumdealaddon | koreps__PremiumDealAddon__c | kore_premiumdealaddonbase |
PremiumDealAllocation | koreps_premiumdeallocation | koreps__PremiumDealLocation__c | kore_premiumdeallocationbase |
PremiumDealContractYear | koreps_premiumdealcontractyear | koreps__PremiumDealContractYear__c | kore_premiumdealcontractyearbase |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | koreps_premiumdealcontractyearfee | koreps__PremiumDealContractYearFee__c | kore_premiumdealcontractyearfeebase |
PremiumDealEvent | koreps_premiumdealevent | koreps__PremiumDealEvent__c | kore_premiumdealeventbase |
PremiumDealType | koreps_premiumdealtype | koreps__premiumdealtype__c | kore_premiumdealtypebase |
PremiumFeeType | koreps_premiumfeetype | koreps__PremiumFeeType__c | kore_premiumfeetypebase |
PremiumSalesGoal | koreps_premiumsalesgoal | koreps__premiumsalesgoal__c | kore_premiumsalesgoalbase |
Seat | koreps_seat | koreps__Seat__c | kore_seatbase |
Section | koreps_section | koreps__Section__c | kore_sectionbase |
SectionRatecard | koreps_sectionratecard | koreps__SectionRatecard__c | kore_sectionratecardbase |
SectionRatecardFee | koreps_sectionratecardfee | koreps__SectionRatecardFee__c | kore_sectionratecardfeebase |
SectionType | koreps_sectiontype | koreps__SectionType__c | kore_sectiontypebase |
Suite | koreps_suite | koreps__Suite__c | kore_suitebase |
Ticketing & Fan Engagement
Entity | Dynamics Entity | Salesforce Entity | KORE Table |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | koreps_archticsticketpurchase | koreps__Archtics_Ticket_Purchase__c | SyncedTicketPurchases |
Touchpoint2 | koreps_touchpoint | koreps__touchpoint__c | kore_touchpointbase |
TouchpointGoal | koreps_touchpointgoal | koreps__touchpoint_goal__c | kore_touchpointgoalbase |