Each entity consists of several fields. These fields frequently have different names depending on which CRM you use. This table maps each field to its CRM names and its name in the KORE SQL Server database.
Entity | Field | Dynamics Field | Salesforce Field | KORE Field |
Account | MasterRecordId | masterid | MasterRecordId | sf_masterid |
Account | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | Owner |
Account | Salesperson | kore_salespersonid | koreps__Salesperson__c | Salesperson |
Account | Coordinator | kore_coordinatorid | koreps__Coordinator__c | Coordinator |
Account | PremiumSalesperson | koreps_premiumsalespersonid | koreps__Premium_Salesperson__c | SuiteSalesperson |
Account | PremiumCoordinator | koreps_premiumcoordinatorid | koreps__Premium_Coordinator__c | SuiteCoordinator |
Account | BillingContact | kore_billingcontactid | koreps__BillingContact__c | BillingContact |
Account | PrimaryAgency | kore_agencyid | koreps__Agency__c | PrimaryAgency |
Account | PrimaryContact | primarycontactid | koreps__PrimaryContact__c | PrimaryContact |
Account | Industry | koreps__Industry__c | Industry | |
Account | KOREIndustry | kore_industryid | koreps__SponsorshipIndustry__c | KOREIndustry |
Account | LegalName | koreps_legalname | koreps__Legal_Name__c | kore_legalname |
Account | AuthorizedSignor | koreps__Authorized_Signor__c | kore_authorizedsignoridname | |
Account | StateOfIncorporation | koreps__State_Of_Incorporation__c | kore_stateofincorporationidname | |
Account | AddressLine | address1_line1 | BillingStreet | MailingStreet |
Account | AddressLine2 | address1_line2 | MailingStreet2 | |
Account | AddressCity | address1_city | BillingCity | City |
Account | AddressPostalCode | address1_postalcode | BillingPostalCode | Zip |
Account | AddressStateProvince | address1_stateorprovince | BillingState | State |
Account | AddressCountry | address1_country | BillingCountry | Country |
Account | AddressCountryLookup | kore_countryid | CountryId | |
Account | AddressStateProvinceLookup | kore_stateorprovinceid | StateId | |
Account | Fax | fax | Fax | Fax |
Account | Fax_dnc | Fax_dnc | ||
Account | Phone | telephone1 | Phone | Phone |
Account | Phone_dnc | Phone_dnc | ||
Account | StrippedName | koreps_strippedname | koreps__Stripped_Name__c | StrippedName |
Account | Id | accountid | Id | sf_accountid |
Account | AltId | sf_accountaltid | ||
Account | AddressId | sf_addressid | ||
Account | Name | name | Name | Name |
Account | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
Account | FinanceModifiedDate | koreps_financemodifieddate | koreps__FinanceModifiedDate__c | FinanceModifiedDate |
Account | FinanceAccountNumber | koreps_financeaccountnumber | koreps__FinanceAccountNumber__c | FinanceAccountNumber |
Account | FinanceIsSynced | koreps_financeissynced | koreps__FinanceIsSynced__c | FinanceIsSynced |
Account | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Account | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | statecode |
Account | ExternalId | kore_externalaccountid | koreps__External_Account_ID__c | AccountId |
Account | totallifetimevalue | koreps_totallifetimevalue | koreps__Total_Lifetime_Value__c | totallifetimevalue |
Account | ltvtodate | koreps_ltvtodate | koreps__ltvtodate__c | ltvtodate |
Account | futureltv | koreps_futureltv | koreps__Future_LTV__c | futureltv |
Account | MilesFromFacility | koreps_MilesFromFacility | koreps__Miles_From_Facility__c | MilesFromFacility |
Appointment | ContactMapping | requiredattendees | WhoId | ContactId |
Appointment | ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode |
Appointment | Subject | subject | Subject | Subject |
Appointment | Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Appointment | ContactAltId | ContactAltId | ||
Appointment | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
Appointment | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Appointment | Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId |
Appointment | Description | description | Description | Description |
Appointment | DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | ||
Appointment | ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | |
Appointment | Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType |
Appointment | ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | |
Appointment | ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate |
Appointment | CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn |
Appointment | DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate |
Appointment | TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType |
Appointment | SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId |
Appointment | KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId |
Appointment | TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount |
Appointment | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
Appointment | ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory |
Appointment | ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category |
Appointment | Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid |
Appointment | Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid |
Appointment | premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
Appointment | CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId |
Appointment | Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId |
Appointment | Name | Subject | Subject | |
Appointment | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Appointment | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
Appointment | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Appointment | ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId |
Appointment | DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode |
Campaign | AdHocCampaigns | koreps_adhoccampaigns | koreps__AdHocCampaigns__c | kore_AdHocCampaigns |
Campaign | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Campaign | ExpandProfileonActivityScreen | koreps_expandprofileonactivityscreen | koreps__Expand_Profile_on_Activity_Screen__c | ExpandProfileonActivityScreen |
Campaign | ShowOnActivityScreen | koreps_showonactivityscreen | koreps__Show_on_Activity_Screen__c | ShowOnActivityScreen |
Campaign | Id | campaignid | Id | sf_CampaignId |
Campaign | Name | name | Name | Name |
Campaign | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Campaign | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
Campaign | ModifiedOn | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Campaign | IsActive | statecode | IsActive | IsActive |
Case | CaseNumber | ticketnumber | CaseNumber | CaseNumber |
Case | Subject | title | Subject | Subject |
Case | DateOfIncident | kore_dateofincident | koreps__Date_of_Incident__c | DateOfIncident |
Case | Account | customerid | AccountId | Account |
Case | Contact | kore_contactid | ContactId | Contact |
Case | Customer | customerid | Customer | |
Case | Type | casetypecode | Type | Type |
Case | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
Case | Satisfaction | customersatisfactioncode | koreps__Satisfaction__c | Satisfaction |
Case | Resolution | kore_resolution | koreps__Resolution__c | Resolution |
Case | ResolutionCost | kore_resolutioncost | koreps__Resolution_Cost__c | ResolutionCost |
Case | Description | description | Description | Description |
Case | ClosedDate | kore_closeddate | ClosedDate | |
Case | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | Owner |
Case | Campaign | koreps_campaign | koreps__Campaign__c | sf_campaignid |
Case | Id | incidentid | Id | sf_caseid |
Case | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
Case | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | LastModifiedDate |
Case | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Case | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | Active |
Case | ExternalId | caseid | ||
Contact | MasterId | masterid | MasterRecordId | sf_masterid |
Contact | FirstName | firstname | FirstName | firstname |
Contact | LastName | lastname | LastName | lastname |
Contact | Workphone | telephone1 | Phone | workphone |
Contact | Workphone_dnc | workphone_dnc | ||
Contact | kore_ticketingcontacttype | koreps_ticketingContactType | koreps__kore_ticketingContactType__c | kore_ticketingContactType |
Contact | ContactType | koreps_contacttype | koreps__Contact_Type__c | ContactType |
Contact | kore_address1milesfromfacility | kore_milesfromfacility | koreps__kore_milesfromfacility__c | kore_address1milesfromfacility |
Contact | KORE_PrimaryAccountNumber | kore_primaryarchticsid | koreps__Primary_Archtics_Id__c | KORE_PrimaryAccountNumber |
Contact | KORE_AccountNumbers | kore_archticsids | koreps__Archtics_IDs__c | KORE_AccountNumbers |
Contact | Zip | address1_postalcode | MailingPostalCode | zip |
Contact | AddressLine1 | address1_line1 | MailingStreet | addressline1 |
Contact | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Contact | AddressLine2 | address1_line2 | addressline2 | |
Contact | City | address1_city | MailingCity | city |
Contact | State | address1_stateorprovince | MailingState | state |
Contact | Country | address1_country | MailingCountry | country |
Contact | JobTitle | jobtitle | Title | jobtitle |
Contact | Salutation | salutation | Salutation | salutation |
Contact | Fax | fax | Fax | fax |
Contact | Fax_dnc | fax_dnc | ||
Contact | FicoScore | koreps_ficoscore | koreps__FICO_Score__c | ficoscore |
Contact | Checked_Out_By | kore_checkedoutby | koreps__Checked_Out_By__c | CheckedOutById |
Contact | HomePhone | telephone2 | Homephone | homephone |
Contact | HomePhone_dnc | homephone_dnc | ||
Contact | MobilePhone | mobilephone | MobilePhone | mobilephone |
Contact | MobilePhone_dnc | mobilephone_dnc | ||
Contact | OtherPhone | telephone3 | OtherPhone | otherphone |
Contact | OtherPhone_dnc | otherphone_dnc | ||
Contact | emailaddress1 | |||
Contact | Account | parentcustomerid | AccountId | sf_accountid |
Contact | CompanyId | koreps_companyid | koreps__Company_Id__c | companyid |
Contact | AccountStrippedName | koreps_accountstrippedname | koreps__Account_Stripped_Name__c | kore_accountstrippedname |
Contact | Ticketing_Sales_Rep | kore_ticketingsalesrep | koreps__Ticketing_Sales_Rep__c | Ticketing_Sales_Rep |
Contact | Ticketing_Service_Rep | kore_ticketingservicerep | koreps__Ticketing_Service_Rep__c | Ticketing_Service_Rep |
Contact | Suites_Sales_Rep | kore_suitesalesrep | koreps__Suites_Sales_Rep__c | Suites_Sales_Rep |
Contact | Group_Sales_Rep | kore_groupsalesrep | koreps__Group_Sales_Rep__c | Group_Sales_Rep |
Contact | Checked_Out_Until | kore_checkedoutuntil | koreps__Checked_Out_Until__c | CheckedOutUntil |
Contact | LastContactedDate | koreps_lastcontacted | LastActivityDate | lastcontacteddate |
Contact | InvalidEmail | koreps_invalidemail | koreps__Invalid_Email__c | InvalidEmail |
Contact | DisableContactSync | koreps_disablecontactsync | koreps__Disable_Contact_Sync__c | DisableContactSync |
Contact | Id | contactid | Id | sf_contactid |
Contact | AltId | sf_contactaltid | ||
Contact | AddressId | sf_addressid | ||
Contact | ExternalOwnerId | sf_ownerid | ||
Contact | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon |
Contact | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | createdon |
Contact | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | statecode |
Contact | ExternalId | kore_externalcontactid | koreps__External_Contact_Id__c | contactid |
Country | Id | kore_countryid | SF_CountryId | |
Country | Name | kore_name | Name | |
Country | IsActive | statecode | Active | |
Country | ExternalKey | CountryId | ||
Currency | ExternalId | transactioncurrencyid | sf_currencyid | |
Currency | Id | transactioncurrencyid | kore_currencyid | |
Currency | currencysymbol | currencysymbol | kore_currencysymbol | |
Currency | kore_name | CurrencyName | kore_name | |
Currency | kore_isocurrencycode | isocurrencycode | kore_isocurrencycode | |
Currency | statecode | statecode | statecode | |
ContactMapping | to | WhoId | ContactId | |
ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode | |
Subject | subject | Subject | Subject | |
Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId | |
ContactAltId | ContactAltId | |||
OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | |||
Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId | |
Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId | |
Description | description | Description | Description | |
DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | |||
ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | ||
Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType | |
ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | ||
ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate | |
CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn | |
DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate | |
TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType | |
SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId | |
KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId | |
TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount | |
Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority | |
ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory | |
ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category | |
Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid | |
Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid | |
premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid | |
CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId | |
Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId | |
Name | Subject | Subject | ||
Status | statuscode | Status | Status | |
CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate | |
LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn | |
ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId | |
DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode | |
Fax | ContactMapping | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Fax | ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode |
Fax | Subject | subject | Subject | Subject |
Fax | Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Fax | ContactAltId | ContactAltId | ||
Fax | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
Fax | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Fax | Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId |
Fax | Description | description | Description | Description |
Fax | DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | ||
Fax | ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | |
Fax | Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType |
Fax | ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | |
Fax | ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate |
Fax | CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn |
Fax | DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate |
Fax | TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType |
Fax | SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId |
Fax | KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId |
Fax | TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount |
Fax | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
Fax | ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory |
Fax | ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category |
Fax | Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid |
Fax | Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid |
Fax | premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
Fax | CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId |
Fax | Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId |
Fax | Name | Subject | Subject | |
Fax | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Fax | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
Fax | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Fax | ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId |
Fax | DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode |
Industry | Id | kore_industryid | Id | SF_IndustryId |
Industry | Name | kore_name | Name | Name |
Industry | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
Industry | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Industry | ExternalId | IndustryId | ||
Industry | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | Active |
Lead | FirstName | firstname | FirstName | firstname |
Lead | LastName | lastname | LastName | lastname |
Lead | MiddleName | middlename | middlename | |
Lead | Salutation | Salutation | salutation | |
Lead | Account | kore_accountid | koreps__Account__c | sf_accountid |
Lead | AccountStrippedName | koreps_accountstrippedname | koreps__Account_Stripped_Name__c | kore_accountstrippedname |
Lead | CompanyName | Company | companyname | |
Lead | Contact | kore_contactid | koreps__Contact__c | sf_contactid |
Lead | Zip | address1_postalcode | Postalcode | zip |
Lead | AddressLine1 | address1_line1 | street | addressline1 |
Lead | AddressLine2 | address1_line2 | addressline2 | |
Lead | AddressLine3 | address1_line3 | addressline3 | |
Lead | Workphone | telephone1 | Phone | workphone |
Lead | Workphone_dnc | workphone_dnc | ||
Lead | City | address1_city | City | city |
Lead | State | address1_stateorprovince | State | state |
Lead | Country | address1_country | Country | country |
Lead | Fax | fax | Fax | fax |
Lead | Fax_dnc | fax_dnc | ||
Lead | emailaddress1 | |||
Lead | JobTitle | jobtitle | Title | jobtitle |
Lead | TicketingAccountId | koreps_ticketingaccountid | koreps__Ticketing_Account_Number__c | KORE_ticketingaccountid |
Lead | CustNameId | kore_custnameid | koreps__Cust_Name_ID__c | custnameid |
Lead | TicketingContactType | koreps_ticketingcontacttype | koreps__Ticketing_Contact_Type_String__c | kore_ticketingContactType |
Lead | LastModifiedBy | modifiedby | LastModifiedById | ModifiedBy |
Lead | CreatedBy | createdby | CreatedById | CreatedBy |
Lead | statecode | statecode | statecode | |
Lead | kore_address1milesfromfacility | kore_address1milesfromfacility | ||
Lead | Id | leadid | Id | sf_leadid |
Lead | ExternalId | kore_externalleadid | koreps__External_Lead_Id__c | leadid |
Lead | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Lead | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
Lead | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | statecode |
Lead | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Letter | ContactMapping | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Letter | ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode |
Letter | Subject | subject | Subject | Subject |
Letter | Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Letter | ContactAltId | ContactAltId | ||
Letter | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
Letter | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Letter | Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId |
Letter | Description | description | Description | Description |
Letter | DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | ||
Letter | ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | |
Letter | Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType |
Letter | ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | |
Letter | ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate |
Letter | CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn |
Letter | DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate |
Letter | TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType |
Letter | SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId |
Letter | KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId |
Letter | TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount |
Letter | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
Letter | ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory |
Letter | ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category |
Letter | Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid |
Letter | Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid |
Letter | premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
Letter | CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId |
Letter | Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId |
Letter | Name | Subject | Subject | |
Letter | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Letter | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
Letter | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Letter | ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId |
Letter | DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode |
MarketingList | Id | listid | Id | sf_marketinglistid |
MarketingList | Name | listname | Name | name |
MarketingList | IsActive | statecode | IsDeleted | active |
MarketingList | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
MarketingList | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
MarketingList | ExternalId | koreps__externalid__c | marketinglistid | |
MarketingList | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Note | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | createdon |
Note | Id | annotationid | Id | sf_noteid |
Note | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon |
Note | Description | notetext | Body | description |
Note | Subject | subject | Title | subject |
Note | Regarding | objectid | ParentId | regardingid |
Note | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | ownerid |
PhoneCall | ContactMapping | to | WhoId | ContactId |
PhoneCall | ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode |
PhoneCall | Subject | subject | Subject | Subject |
PhoneCall | Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId |
PhoneCall | ContactAltId | ContactAltId | ||
PhoneCall | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
PhoneCall | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
PhoneCall | Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId |
PhoneCall | Description | description | Description | Description |
PhoneCall | DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | ||
PhoneCall | ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | |
PhoneCall | Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType |
PhoneCall | ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | |
PhoneCall | ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate |
PhoneCall | CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn |
PhoneCall | DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate |
PhoneCall | TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType |
PhoneCall | SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId |
PhoneCall | KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId |
PhoneCall | TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount |
PhoneCall | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
PhoneCall | ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory |
PhoneCall | ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category |
PhoneCall | Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid |
PhoneCall | Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid |
PhoneCall | premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
PhoneCall | CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId |
PhoneCall | Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId |
PhoneCall | Name | Subject | Subject | |
PhoneCall | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
PhoneCall | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
PhoneCall | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
PhoneCall | ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId |
PhoneCall | DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode |
RelatedTicketingName | PrimaryName | kore_primaryname | koreps__Primary_Name__c | sf_PrimaryLeadId |
RelatedTicketingName | PrimaryCustNameId | kore_primarycustnameid | koreps__Primary_Cust_Name_ID__c | PrimaryCustNameId |
RelatedTicketingName | PrimaryTicketingId | kore_primaryticketingid | koreps__Primary_Ticketing_ID__c | PrimaryTicketingId |
RelatedTicketingName | SecondaryName | kore_secondaryname | koreps__Secondary_Name__c | sf_SecondaryLeadId |
RelatedTicketingName | SecondaryCustNameId | kore_secondarycustnameid | koreps__Secondary_Cust_Name_ID__c | SecondaryCustNameId |
RelatedTicketingName | SecondaryTicketingId | kore_secondaryticketingid | koreps__Secondary_Ticketing_ID__c | SecondaryTicketingId |
RelatedTicketingName | Id | kore_relatedticketingnameid | Id | RelatedTicketingNameId |
StateOrProvince | Id | kore_stateorprovinceid | SF_StateProvinceId | |
StateOrProvince | Name | kore_name | Name | |
StateOrProvince | CountryId | kore_countryid | sf_countryId | |
StateOrProvince | Active | statecode | Active | |
StateOrProvince | ExternalKey | StateProvinceId | ||
Task | ContactMapping | koreps_recipientid | WhoId | ContactId |
Task | ColorCode | koreps_colorcode | koreps__ColorCode__c | ColorCode |
Task | Subject | subject | Subject | Subject |
Task | Contact | to | WhoId | ContactId |
Task | ContactAltId | ContactAltId | ||
Task | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
Task | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | OwnerId |
Task | Regarding | regardingobjectid | WhatId | RegardingId |
Task | Description | description | Description | Description |
Task | DescriptionId | DiscriptionId | ||
Task | ShortDescription | koreps__Short_Description__c | ShortDescription | |
Task | Type | activitytypecode | Type | ActivityType |
Task | ActivityStartDate | scheduledstart | StartDate | |
Task | ActivityDate | scheduledend | ActivityDate | ActivityDate |
Task | CompletedOn | actualend | koreps__Date_Completed__c | CompletedOn |
Task | DueTime | scheduledend | koreps__Date_Completed__c,koreps__Due_Time__c | KoreActivityDate |
Task | TaskType | kore_tasktype | koreps__Task_Type__c | TaskType |
Task | SecondaryNameId | kore_secondarynameid | koreps__Secondary_Name_ID__c | SecondaryNameId |
Task | KORETouchPointId | koreps_touchpointid | koreps__KORE_Touchpoint_ID__c | TouchpointId |
Task | TouchpointAmount | koreps_touchpointamount | koreps__Touchpoint_Amount__c | TouchpointAmount |
Task | Priority | prioritycode | Priority | Priority |
Task | ActivitySubCategory | kore_subcategory | koreps__Activity_Sub_Category__c | SubCategory |
Task | ActivityCategory | kore_category | koreps__Activity_Category__c | Category |
Task | Dealsheetid | koreps_dealsheetid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_ID__c | dealsheetid |
Task | Dealsheetlineid | koreps_dealsheetlineid | koreps__Deal_Sheet_Line_ID__c | dealsheetlineid |
Task | premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__PremiumDeal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
Task | CampaignId | koreps_campaignid | koreps__Campaign_Id__c | CampaignId |
Task | Id | activityid | Id | ActivityId |
Task | Name | Subject | Subject | |
Task | Status | statuscode | Status | Status |
Task | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedDate |
Task | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
Task | ConsumptionId | koreps_consumptionid | koreps__Consumption_ID__c | ConsumptionId |
Task | DirectionCode | DirectionCode | koreps__Is_Outbound_Call__c | DirectionCode |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Campaign | kore_campaign | koreps__Campaign__c | koreps__Campaign__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Comments | kore_comments | koreps__Comments__c | Comments |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_addon | koreps_addons | koreps__addons__C | kore_addons |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_addonsother | koreps_addonsother | koreps__addonsother__c | kore_addonsother |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Contact | kore_contact | koreps__Contact__c | koreps__Contact__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | DateWon | kore_datewon | koreps__Date_Won__c | koreps__Date_Won__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | EstimatedCloseDate | kore_estimatedclosedate | koreps__Estimated_Close_Date__c | koreps__Estimated_Close_Date__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | NumberOfTickets | kore_numberoftickets | koreps__Number_Of_Tickets__c | koreps__Number_Of_Tickets__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OpportunitySize | koreps_oppsize | koreps__Opportunity_Size__c | koreps__Opportunity_Size__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OrderNumber | kore_ordernumber | koreps__Order_Number__c | OrderNumber |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Season | kore_season | koreps__Season__c | koreps__Season__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | KORESeasonID | kore_koreseasonid | koreps__KORE_Season_ID__c | KORESeasonID |
TicketSalesOpportunity | CompletedTasks | kore_completedtasks | koreps__Completed_Tasks__c | koreps__Completed_Tasks__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Account | kore_account | koreps__Account__c | koreps__Account__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PrimaryObjection | kore_primaryobjection | koreps__Primary_Objection__c | PrimaryObjection |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Product | kore_product | koreps__Product__c | koreps__Product__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Rating | kore_rating | koreps__Rating__c | koreps__Rating__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | ReasonForBuying | kore_reasonforbuying | koreps__Reason_For_Buying__c | ReasonForBuying |
TicketSalesOpportunity | SalesStep | kore_salesstep | koreps__Sales_Step__c | koreps__Sales_Step__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | SalesType | kore_salestype | koreps__Sale_Type__c | koreps__Sale_Type__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | CustomerType | kore_customertype | koreps__Customer_Type__c | koreps__Customer_Type__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Owner | ownerid | OwnerId | Owner |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OwnerAltId | OwnerAltId | ||
TicketSalesOpportunity | Premiumdealid | koreps_premiumdealid | koreps__Premium_Deal_ID__c | premiumdealid |
TicketSalesOpportunity | TicketOrderType | kore_ticketordertype | koreps__Ticket_Order_Type__c | TicketOrderType |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PaymentPlan | kore_paymentplan | koreps__Payment_Plan__c | PaymentPlan |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_PaymentPlanOther | koreps_paymentplanother | koreps__PaymentPlanOther__c | kore_PaymentPlanOther |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_PickUpMethodOther | koreps_pickupmethodother | koreps__PickUpMethodOther__c | kore_PickUpMethodOther |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_PaymentDetailsOther | koreps_paymentdetailsother | koreps__PaymentDetailsOther__c | kore_PaymentDetailsOther |
TicketSalesOpportunity | SpecialOrderInstructions | kore_SpecialOrderInstructions | koreps__Special_Order_Instructions__c | SpecialOrderInstructions |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PickupMethod | kore_pickupmethod | koreps__Pickup_Method__c | PickupMethod |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PaymentDetails | kore_paymentdetails | koreps__Payment_Details__c | PaymentDetails |
TicketSalesOpportunity | CreditCardLastFourDigits | kore_CreditCardLastFourDigits | koreps__Credit_Card_Last_Four_Digits__c | CreditCardLastFourDigits |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OrderStatus | kore_orderstatus | koreps__Order_Status__c | OrderStatus |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OrderTicketingAccountNumber | kore_OrderTicketingAccountNumber | koreps__Order_Ticketing_Account_Number__c | OrderTicketingAccountNumber |
TicketSalesOpportunity | ProcessedBy | kore_boxofficeuser | koreps__Box_Office_User__c | BoxOfficeUser |
TicketSalesOpportunity | SubmitToUser | kore_submittouser | koreps__SubmitToUser__c | kore_submittouser |
TicketSalesOpportunity | TicketOrderDate | kore_ticketorderdate | koreps__Ticket_Order_Date__c | TicketOrderDate |
TicketSalesOpportunity | DeclineOrderReason | kore_declineorderreason | koreps__Decline_Order_Reason__c | DeclineOrderReason |
TicketSalesOpportunity | DeclineOrderReasonOther | kore_declineorderreasonother | koreps__Decline_Order_Reason_Other__c | DeclineOrderReasonOther |
TicketSalesOpportunity | TicketOrderProcessedOn | kore_ticketorderprocessedon | koreps__Ticket_Order_Processed_On__c | TicketOrderProcessedOn |
TicketSalesOpportunity | LeadSource | koreps_leadsource | koreps__Lead_Source__c | LeadSource |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Id | kore_ticketsalesopportunityid | Id | sf_opportunityId |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Name | kore_name | Name | Name |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Status | statuscode | koreps__Status__c | koreps__Status__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
TicketSalesOpportunity | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
TicketSalesOpportunity | GroupName | koreps_groupname | koreps__GroupName__c | GroupName |
TicketSalesOpportunity | GroupScoreboardMessage | koreps_groupscoreboardmessage | koreps__GroupScoreboardMessage__c | GroupScoreboardMessage |
TicketSalesOpportunity | GroupSource | koreps_groupsource | koreps__GroupSource__c | GroupSource |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Division | koreps_division | koreps__Division__c | sf_divisionid |
TicketSalesOpportunity | kore_IsUrgent | koreps_isurgent | koreps__isurgent__c | kore_isurgent |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PriceCode | koreps_pricecode | koreps__Price_Code__c | PriceCode |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Event | koreps_eventid | koreps__Event__c | sf_eventid |
TicketSalesOpportunity | EventList | koreps_eventlistid | koreps__Event_List__c | sf_eventlistid |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Incentive | koreps_incentive | koreps__Incentive__c | Incentive |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Conversation | koreps_conversation | koreps__Conversation__c | Conversation |
TicketSalesOpportunity | VoiceMail | koreps_voicemail | koreps__Voice_Mail__c | VoiceMail |
TicketSalesOpportunity | FulfillmentComments | koreps_fulfillmentcomments | koreps__Fulfillment_Comments__c | FulfillmentComments |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Event2 | koreps_eventid2 | koreps__Event_2__c | sf_eventid2 |
TicketSalesOpportunity | PriceCode2 | koreps_pricecode2 | koreps__Price_Code_2__c | PriceCode2 |
TicketSalesOpportunity | OpportunitySize2 | koreps_oppsize2 | koreps__Opportunity_Size_2__c | koreps__Opportunity_Size_2__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | NumberOfTickets2 | koreps_numberoftickets2 | koreps__Number_Of_Tickets_2__c | koreps__Number_Of_Tickets_2__c |
TicketSalesOpportunity | Product2 | koreps_product2 | koreps__Product_2__c | koreps__Product_2__c |
User | Name | fullname | Name | Name |
User | businessunitid | businessunitid | UserRoleId | businessunitid |
User | Id | systemuserid | Id | SF_UserId |
User | AltId | sf_useraltid | ||
User | UserID | UserId | ||
User | businessunitid | businessunitid | UserRoleId | businessunitid |
User | FullName | Name | ||
User | EmailAddress | internalemailaddress | ||
User | TicketSystemUserID | kore_ticketsystemuserid | koreps__Ticket_System_User_ID__c | Ticket_System_User_ID |
User | CreatedDate | createdon | CreatedDate | CreatedOn |
User | LastModifiedDate | modifiedon | LastModifiedDate | ModifiedOn |
User | IsActive | isdisabled | IsActive | IsActive |
User | ExternalId | kore_externaluserid | koreps__External_User_ID__c | UserId |
User | Title | title | title | Title |
User | DomainName | domainname | DomainName | |
User | MobilePhone | mobilephone | MobilePhone | MobilePhone |
User | MainPhone | address1_telephone1 | Phone | MainPhone |
User | ManagerId | ManagerId | parentsystemuserid | ManagerId |
User | TableauUserName | TableauUserName | ||
ApprovalStatus | Id | koreps_approvalstatusid | Id | sf_approvalstatusid |
ApprovalStatus | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_approvalstatusid |
ApprovalStatus | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
ApprovalStatus | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Billing | ActualInvoiceAmount | koreps_ActualInvoiceAmount | koreps__ActualInvoiceAmount__c | KORE_ActualInvoiceAmount |
Billing | ActualInvoiceDate | koreps_ActualInvoiceDate | koreps__ActualInvoiceDate__c | KORE_ActualInvoiceDate |
Billing | Adjustment | koreps_Adjustment | koreps__Adjustment__c | KORE_Adjustment |
Billing | AgencyDiscountAmount | koreps_AgencyDiscountAmount | koreps__AgencyDiscountAmount__c | KORE_AgencyDiscountAmount |
Billing | BarterAmount | koreps_BarterAmount | koreps__BarterAmount__c | KORE_BarterAmount |
Billing | BatchNo | koreps_BatchNo | koreps__BatchNo__c | kore_billbatchidname |
Billing | ContractYearNumber | koreps_ContractYearNumber | koreps__ContractYearNumber__c | KORE_ContractYearNumber |
Billing | DepositReturnDate | koreps_DepositReturnDate | koreps__DepositReturnDate__c | KORE_DepositReturnDate |
Billing | DocumentLocation | koreps_DocumentLocation | koreps__DocumentLocation__c | KORE_DocumentLocation |
Billing | EstimatedAmount | koreps_EstimatedAmount | koreps__EstimatedAmount__c | KORE_EstimatedAmount |
Billing | EstimatedInvoiceDate | koreps_EstimatedInvoiceDate | koreps__EstimatedInvoiceDate__c | KORE_EstimatedInvoiceDate |
Billing | InvoiceNumber | koreps_InvoiceNumber | koreps__InvoiceNumber__c | KORE_InvoiceNumber |
Billing | LastPaymentDate | koreps_LastPaymentDate | koreps__LastPaymentDate__c | KORE_LastPaymentDate |
Billing | LastSync | koreps_LastSync | koreps__LastSync__c | KORE_LastSync |
Billing | PaymentDueDate | koreps_PaymentDueDate | koreps__PaymentDueDate__c | KORE_PaymentDueDate |
Billing | PlayoffBillingRound | koreps_PlayoffBillingRound | koreps__PlayoffBillingRound__c | KORE_PlayoffBillingRound |
Billing | Remarks | koreps_Remarks | koreps__Remarks__c | KORE_Remarks |
Billing | TaxAmount | koreps_TaxAmount | koreps__TaxAmount__c | KORE_TaxAmount |
Billing | TotalReceived | koreps_TotalReceived | koreps__TotalReceived__c | KORE_TotalReceived |
Billing | Type | koreps_Type | koreps__Type__c | kore_billtypeidname |
Billing | ExternalId1 | koreps_ExternalId1 | koreps__external_id_1__c | KORE_ExternalId1 |
Billing | ExternalId2 | koreps_ExternalId2 | koreps__External_Id_2__c | KORE_ExternalId2 |
Billing | ExternalId3 | koreps_ExternalId3 | koreps__External_Id_3__c | KORE_ExternalId3 |
Billing | Id | koreps_billid | Id | sf_billid |
Billing | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_billid |
Billing | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Billing | Status | statuscode | koreps__BillStatus__c | statuscodename |
Billing | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Category | Pillar | koreps_pillar | koreps__Pillar__c | kore_pillar |
Category | Margin | koreps_margin | koreps__Margin__c | kore_margin |
Category | Order | koreps_order | koreps__Order__c | kore_order |
Category | Id | koreps_categoryid | Id | sf_categoryid |
Category | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_categoryid |
Category | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Category | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealLine | BarterIncluded | koreps_BarterIncluded | koreps__Barter_Included__c | KORE_BarterIncluded |
DealLine | CustomCheckbox | koreps__Custom_Checkbox1__c | kore_customcheckbox1 | |
DealLine | CustomDropdown1 | koreps__Custom_Dropdown1__c | kore_dropdown1idname | |
DealLine | BaseRate | koreps_BaseRate | koreps__Base_Rate__c | KORE_BaseRate |
DealLine | Escalation | koreps_Escalation | koreps__Escalation__c | KORE_Escalation |
DealLine | Events | koreps_Events | koreps__Events__c | KORE_Events |
DealLine | FirstSeasonRevenue | koreps_FirstSeasonRevenue | koreps__First_Season_Revenue__c | KORE_FirstSeasonRevenue |
DealLine | GrossRevenue | koreps_GrossRevenue | koreps__Gross_Revenue__c | KORE_GrossRevenue |
DealLine | MiscTitle | koreps_MiscTitle | koreps__Misc_Title__c | KORE_MiscTitle |
DealLine | NewRevenue | koreps_NewRevenue | koreps__New_Revenue__c | KORE_NewRevenue |
DealLine | Notes | koreps_Notes | koreps__Notes__c | KORE_Notes |
DealLine | OptionActive | koreps_OptionActive | koreps__Option_Active__c | KORE_OptionActive |
DealLine | PlayoffRate | koreps_PlayoffRate | koreps__Playoff_Rate__c | KORE_PlayoffRate |
DealLine | PlayoffsIncluded | koreps_PlayoffsIncluded | koreps__Playoffs_Included__c | KORE_PlayoffsIncluded |
DealLine | Quantity | koreps_Quantity | koreps__Quantity__c | KORE_Quantity |
DealLine | Rate | koreps_Rate | koreps__Rate__c | KORE_Rate |
DealLine | RateOverride | koreps_RateOverride | koreps__Rate_Override__c | KORE_RateOverride |
DealLine | RecapNotes | koreps_RecapNotes | koreps__Recap_Notes__c | KORE_RecapNotes |
DealLine | Revenue | koreps_Revenue | koreps__Revenue__c | KORE_Revenue |
DealLine | Type | koreps_Type | koreps__Type__c | KORE_TypeName |
DealLine | VariableCost | koreps_VariableCost | koreps__Variable_Cost__c | KORE_VariableCost |
DealLine | VariableCost2 | koreps_variablecost2 | koreps__variable_cost_2__c | kore_variablecost2 |
DealLine | VariableCost_Rate | koreps_VariableCostRate | koreps__Variable_Cost_Rate__c | KORE_VariableCostRate |
DealLine | VariableCost_Rate2 | koreps_variableCostRate2 | koreps__variable_Cost_Rate_2__c | kore_variableCostRate2 |
DealLine | Id | koreps_deallineid | Id | sf_deallineid |
DealLine | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_contractlineid |
DealLine | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
DealLine | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealRating | Id | koreps_dealratingid | Id | sf_contractratingid |
DealRating | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_contractratingid |
DealRating | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
DealRating | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealSeason | AgencyCommission | koreps_AgencyCommission | koreps__Agency_Commission__c | KORE_AgencyCommission |
DealSeason | AgencyCommissionDescription | koreps_AgencyCommissionDescription | koreps__Agency_Commission_Description__c | KORE_AgencyCommissionDescription |
DealSeason | AgencyCommissionPercentage | koreps_AgencyCommissionPercentage | koreps__Agency_Commission_Percentage__c | KORE_AgencyCommissionPercentage |
DealSeason | AgencyDiscount | koreps_AgencyDiscount | koreps__Agency_Discount__c | KORE_AgencyDiscount |
DealSeason | AgencySpecification | koreps_AgencySpecification | koreps__Agency_Specification__c | KORE_AgencySpecification |
DealSeason | AutoCalculated | koreps_AutoCalculated | koreps__Auto_Calculated__c | KORE_AutoCalculated |
DealSeason | BarterAmount | koreps_BarterAmount | koreps__Barter_Amount__c | KORE_BarterAmount |
DealSeason | BarterAmount2 | koreps_BarterAmount2 | koreps__Barter_Amount_2__c | KORE_BarterAmount2 |
DealSeason | BarterDescription | koreps_BarterDescription | koreps__Barter_Description__c | KORE_BarterDescription |
DealSeason | DollarAmountText | koreps_DollarAmountText | koreps__Dollar_Amount_Text__c | KORE_DollarAmountText |
DealSeason | HardCostOptionText | koreps_HardCostOptionText | koreps__Hard_Cost_Option_Text__c | KORE_HardCostOptionText |
DealSeason | HideFromDealSheet | koreps_HideFromDealSheet | koreps__Hide_From_Deal_Sheet__c | KORE_HideFromDealSheet |
DealSeason | LastLockChange | koreps_LastLockChange | koreps__Last_Lock_Change__c | KORE_LastLockChange |
DealSeason | LeagueCommission | koreps_LeagueCommission | koreps__League_Commission__c | KORE_LeagueCommission |
DealSeason | LeagueCommissionPaidOn | koreps_LeagueCommissionPaidOn | KORE_LeagueCommissionPaidOnName | |
DealSeason | LockDealSheet | koreps_LockDealSheet | koreps__Lock_Deal_Sheet__c | KORE_LockDealSheet |
DealSeason | NewRevenue | koreps_NewRevenue | koreps__New_Revenue__c | KORE_NewRevenue |
DealSeason | NoExtraPaymentOptionText | koreps_NoExtraPaymentOptionText | koreps__No_Extra_Payment_Option_Text__c | KORE_NoExtraPaymentOptionText |
DealSeason | Obligations | koreps_Obligations | koreps__Obligations__c | KORE_Obligations |
DealSeason | OtherObligations | koreps_OtherObligations | koreps__Other_Obligations__c | KORE_OtherObligations |
DealSeason | PaymentOptionText | koreps_PaymentOptionText | koreps__Payment_Option_Text__c | KORE_PaymentOptionText |
DealSeason | RenewalRevenue | koreps_RenewalRevenue | koreps__Renewal_Revenue__c | KORE_RenewalRevenue |
DealSeason | RolloverAttemped | koreps_RolloverAttemped | koreps__Rollover_Attemped__c | KORE_RolloverAttemped |
DealSeason | SaleType | koreps_SalesType2 | koreps__Sales_Type__c | KORE_SaleTypeName |
DealSeason | SeasonGross | koreps_SeasonGross | koreps__Season_Gross__c | KORE_SeasonGross |
DealSeason | SeasonNet | koreps_SeasonNet | koreps__Season_Net__c | KORE_SeasonNet |
DealSeason | SeasonVariableCost | koreps_SeasonVariableCost | koreps__Season_Variable_Cost__c | KORE_SeasonVariableCost |
DealSeason | SecondaryEventRate | koreps_SecondaryEventRate | koreps__Secondary_Event_Rate__c | KORE_SecondaryEventRate |
DealSeason | Id | koreps_dealseasonid | Id | sf_dealseasonid |
DealSeason | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_contractseasonid |
DealSeason | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
DealSeason | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealSeason | SeasonGrossBudget | koreps_seasongrossbudget | koreps__Season_Gross_Budget__c | kore_seasongrossbudget |
DealSeason | SeasonNetBudget | koreps_seasonnetbudget | koreps__Season_Net_Budget__c | kore_seasonnetbudget |
DealSheet | AffidavitRequired | koreps_AffidavitRequired | koreps__Affidavit_Required__c | KORE_AffidavitRequired |
DealSheet | AgencyCommission | koreps_AgencyCommission | koreps__Agency_Commission__c | KORE_AgencyCommission |
DealSheet | AgencyCommissionPercentage | koreps_AgencyCommissionPercentage | koreps__Agency_Commission_Percentage__c | KORE_AgencyCommissionPercentage |
DealSheet | AgencyCommissionWithOptions | koreps_AgencyCommissionWithOptions | koreps__Agency_Commission_With_Options__c | KORE_AgencyCommissionWithOptions |
DealSheet | AgencyDiscount | koreps_AgencyDiscount | koreps__Agency_Discount__c | KORE_AgencyDiscount |
DealSheet | AgencySpecification | koreps_AgencySpecification | koreps__Agency_Specification__c | KORE_AgencySpecification |
DealSheet | AlertDate | koreps_AlertDate | koreps__Alert_Date__c | kore_alertdate |
DealSheet | AreBillingsDirty | koreps_AreBillingsDirty | koreps__Are_Billings_Dirty__c | KORE_AreBillingsDirty |
DealSheet | BarterIncluded | koreps_BarterIncluded | koreps__Barter_Included__c | KORE_BarterIncluded |
DealSheet | Classification | koreps_Classification | koreps__Classification__c | KORE_ClassificationName |
DealSheet | ClosedReason | koreps_ClosedReason | koreps__Closed_Reason__c | KORE_ClosedReason |
DealSheet | CustomerPO | koreps_CustomerPO | koreps__Customer_PO__c | KORE_CustomerPO |
DealSheet | Description | koreps_Description | koreps__Description__c | KORE_Description |
DealSheet | DollarAmountOption | koreps_DollarAmountOption | koreps__Dollar_Amount_Option__c | KORE_DollarAmountOption |
DealSheet | DollarAmountText | koreps_DollarAmountText | koreps__Dollar_Amount_Text__c | KORE_DollarAmountText |
DealSheet | EndContractDate | koreps_EndContractDate | koreps__End_Contract_Date__c | KORE_EndContractDate |
DealSheet | Escalation | koreps_Escalation | koreps__Escalation__c | KORE_Escalation |
DealSheet | EstimatedCloseDate | koreps_EstimatedCloseDate | koreps__Estimated_Close_Date__c | KORE_EstimatedCloseDate |
DealSheet | ExcludeFromContractRollover | koreps_ExcludeFromContractRollover | koreps__Exclude_From_Contract_Rollover__c | kore_ExcludeFromContractRollover |
DealSheet | Exclusivity | KORE_ExclusivityName | ||
DealSheet | ExclusivityComments | koreps_ExclusivityComments | koreps__Exclusivity_Comments__c | KORE_ExclusivityComments |
DealSheet | FixedEscalation | koreps_FixedEscalation | koreps__Fixed_Escalation__c | KORE_FixedEscalation |
DealSheet | FulfillmentRemarks | koreps_FulfillmentRemarks | koreps__Fulfillment_Remarks__c | KORE_FulfillmentRemarks |
DealSheet | IsPlayoffContract | koreps_IsPlayoffContract | koreps__Is_Playoff_Contract__c | KORE_IsPlayoffContract |
DealSheet | IsRevised | koreps_IsRevised | koreps__Is_Revised__c | KORE_IsRevised |
DealSheet | LastContacted | koreps_lastcontacted | koreps__last_contacted__c | KORE_lastcontacted |
DealSheet | LastContactedActivityId | koreps_lastcontactedactivityid | koreps__last_contacted_activity_id__c | KORE_lastcontactedactivityid |
DealSheet | LastStatusChange | koreps_LastStatusChange | koreps__Last_Status_Change__c | KORE_LastStatusChange |
DealSheet | LegalStatus | koreps_LegalStatus | koreps__Legal_Status__c | KORE_LegalStatusName |
DealSheet | LegalTransferNotes | koreps_LegalTransferNotes | koreps__Legal_Transfer_Notes__c | KORE_LegalTransferNotes |
DealSheet | LockBillings | koreps_LockBillings | koreps__Lock_Billings__c | KORE_LockBillings |
DealSheet | LockExclusivity | koreps_LockExclusivity | koreps__Lock_Exclusivity__c | KORE_LockExclusivity |
DealSheet | NextContact | koreps_NextContact | koreps__Next_Contact__c | KORE_nextcontact |
DealSheet | NextContactActivityId | koreps_NextContactActivityId | koreps__Next_Contact_Activity_Id__c | KORE_nextcontactactivityid |
DealSheet | NoExtraPaymentOption | koreps_NoExtraPaymentOption | koreps__No_Extra_Payment_Option__c | KORE_NoExtraPaymentOption |
DealSheet | Obligations | koreps_Obligations | koreps__Obligations__c | KORE_Obligations |
DealSheet | OpportunityRemarks | koreps_OpportunityRemarks | koreps__Opportunity_Remarks__c | KORE_OpportunityRemarks |
DealSheet | OptionDeadline | koreps_OptionDeadline | koreps__Option_Deadline__c | KORE_OptionDeadline |
DealSheet | OptionsRenewalRightsComments | koreps_OptionsRenewalRightsComments | koreps__Options_Renewal_Rights_Comments__c | KORE_OptionsRenewalRightsComments |
DealSheet | OtherObligations | koreps_OtherObligations | koreps__Other_Obligations__c | KORE_OtherObligations |
DealSheet | PaymentTerms | koreps_PaymentTerms | koreps__Payment_Terms__c | kore_PaymentTermsName |
DealSheet | PercentageEscalation | koreps_PercentageEscalation | koreps__Percentage_Escalation__c | KORE_PercentageEscalation |
DealSheet | PercentageOption | koreps_PercentageOption | koreps__Percentage_Option__c | KORE_PercentageOption |
DealSheet | PercentageOptionText | koreps_PercentageOptionText | koreps__Percentage_Option_Text__c | KORE_PercentageOptionText |
DealSheet | Products | koreps_Products | koreps__Products__c | KORE_Products |
DealSheet | Rating | koreps_Rating | koreps__Rating__c | KORE_RatingName |
DealSheet | Renewal | kore_RenewalName | ||
DealSheet | RenewalComments | koreps_RenewalComments | koreps__Renewal_Comments__c | KORE_RenewalComments |
DealSheet | RenewalRevenue | koreps_RenewalRevenue | koreps__Renewal_Revenue__c | KORE_RenewalRevenue |
DealSheet | RollOverOptIn | koreps_RollOverOptIn | koreps__Roll_Over_Opt_In__c | kore_RollOverOptIn |
DealSheet | SalespersonCommission | koreps_SalespersonCommission | koreps__Salesperson_Commission__c | KORE_SalespersonCommission |
DealSheet | SalesType | koreps_SalesType | koreps__Sales_Type__c | KORE_SalesTypeName |
DealSheet | Stage | koreps_Stage | koreps__Stage__c | kore_contractstageidname |
DealSheet | StartContractDate | koreps_StartContractDate | koreps__Start_Contract_Date__c | KORE_StartContractDate |
DealSheet | TotalContractGross | koreps_TotalContractGross | koreps__Total_Contract_Gross__c | KORE_TotalContractGross |
DealSheet | TotalContractNet | koreps_TotalContractNet | koreps__Total_Contract_Net__c | KORE_TotalContractNet |
DealSheet | TotalVariableCosts | koreps_TotalVariableCosts | koreps__Total_Variable_Costs__c | KORE_TotalVariableCosts |
DealSheet | UseCashForAllocation | koreps_UseCashForAllocation | koreps__Use_Cash_For_Allocation__c | KORE_UseCashForAllocation |
DealSheet | UseSalesCommission | koreps_UseSalesCommission | koreps__Use_Sales_Commission__c | KORE_UseSalesCommission |
DealSheet | ContractedOn | koreps_ContractedOn | koreps__Contracted_On__c | kore_contractedon |
DealSheet | Id | koreps_dealsheetid | Id | sf_dealsheetid |
DealSheet | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_contractid |
DealSheet | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
DealSheet | Status | koreps_DealStatus | koreps__DealStatus__c | statuscodename |
DealSheet | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealType | Id | koreps_dealtypeid | Id | sf_korecontracttypeid |
DealType | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_contracttypeid |
DealType | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
DealType | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
DealType | SortOrder | koreps_sortorder | kore_sortorder | |
Division | Id | koreps_divisionid | Id | sf_divisionid |
Division | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_divisionid |
Division | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Division | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Division | SortOrder | koreps_sortorder | kore_sortorder | |
Event2 | AnnouncementDate | koreps_announcementdate | koreps__Announcement_Date__c | kore_AnnouncementDate |
Event2 | AtFacility | koreps_atfacility | koreps__At_Facility__c | kore_AtFacilityname |
Event2 | BroadcastEnd | koreps_BroadcastEnd | koreps__Broadcast_End__c | kore_BroadcastEnd |
Event2 | BroadcastStart | koreps_BroadcastStart | koreps__Broadcast_Start__c | kore_BroadcastStart |
Event2 | Date | koreps_date | koreps__Date__c | kore_Date |
Event2 | GameType | koreps_gametype | koreps__Game_Type__c | kore_gametypeidname |
Event2 | Rating | koreps_rating | koreps__Rating__c | kore_RatingName |
Event2 | TicketingEventIDList | koreps_ticketingeventidlist | koreps__Ticketing_Event_ID_List__c | kore_TicketingEventIDList |
Event2 | Id | koreps_eventid | Id | sf_eventid |
Event2 | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_eventid |
Event2 | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Event2 | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
InventoryItem | AllocationRestriction | koreps_allocationrestriction | koreps__AllocationRestriction__c | KORE_AllocationRestrictionname |
InventoryItem | Assignment | koreps_assignment | koreps__Assignment__c | KORE_Assignmentname |
InventoryItem | AuditClientUpdated | koreps_auditclientupdated | koreps__AuditClientUpdated__c | KORE_AuditClientUpdated |
InventoryItem | AuditClientVerified | koreps_auditclientverified | koreps__AuditClientVerified__c | KORE_AuditClientVerified |
InventoryItem | AuditKOREUpdated | koreps_auditkoreupdated | koreps__AuditKOREUpdated__c | KORE_AuditKOREUpdated |
InventoryItem | AuditKOREUpdatedEventCategory | koreps_auditkoreupdatedeventcategory | koreps__AuditKOREUpdatedEventCategory__c | KORE_AuditKOREUpdatedEventCategory |
InventoryItem | AuditKOREVerified | koreps_auditkoreverified | koreps__AuditKOREVerified__c | KORE_AuditKOREVerified |
InventoryItem | ClientRemarks | koreps_clientremarks | koreps__ClientRemarks__c | KORE_ClientRemarks |
InventoryItem | DayType | koreps_daytype | koreps__DayType__c | KORE_DayTypeName |
InventoryItem | DoNotProRate | koreps_donotprorate | koreps__DoNotProRate__c | KORE_DoNotProRate |
InventoryItem | EventAssignment | koreps_eventassignment | koreps__EventAssignment__c | KORE_EventAssignmentName |
InventoryItem | FacilityRequirements | koreps_facilityrequirements | koreps__FacilityRequirements__c | KORE_FacilityRequirementsName |
InventoryItem | Friday | koreps_friday | koreps__Friday__c | KORE_Friday |
InventoryItem | HideOnMailMergeInPackage | koreps_hideonmailmergeinpackage | koreps__HideOnMailMergeInPackage__c | KORE_HideOnMailMergeInPackage |
InventoryItem | HideOnMailMergeNotInPackage | koreps_hideonmailmergenotinpackage | koreps__HideOnMailMergeNotInPackage__c | KORE_HideOnMailMergeNotInPackage |
InventoryItem | IsKit | koreps_iskit | koreps__IsKit__c | KORE_IsKit |
InventoryItem | KORERemarks | koreps_koreremarks | koreps__KORERemarks__c | KORE_KORERemarks |
InventoryItem | LegalName | koreps_legalname | koreps__LegalName__c | KORE_LegalName |
InventoryItem | LegalOrder | koreps_legalorder | koreps__LegalOrder__c | KORE_LegalOrder |
InventoryItem | ManagerOnly | koreps_manageronly | koreps__ManagerOnly__c | KORE_ManagerOnly |
InventoryItem | Margin | koreps_margin | koreps__Margin__c | KORE_MarginName |
InventoryItem | Monday | koreps_monday | koreps__Monday__c | KORE_Monday |
InventoryItem | Number | koreps_number | koreps__Number__c | KORE_Number |
InventoryItem | OnlyKitComponent | koreps_onlykitcomponent | koreps__OnlyKitComponent__c | KORE_OnlyKitComponent |
InventoryItem | Order | koreps_order | koreps__Order__c | KORE_Order |
InventoryItem | Pillar | koreps_pillar | koreps__Pillar__c | KORE_Pillar |
InventoryItem | Remarks | koreps_remarks | koreps__Remarks__c | KORE_Remarks |
InventoryItem | Saturday | koreps_saturday | koreps__Saturday__c | KORE_Saturday |
InventoryItem | Sunday | koreps_sunday | koreps__Sunday__c | KORE_Sunday |
InventoryItem | Thursday | koreps_thursday | koreps__Thursday__c | KORE_Thursday |
InventoryItem | Tuesday | koreps_tuesday | koreps__Tuesday__c | KORE_Tuesday |
InventoryItem | Unit | koreps_unit | koreps__Unit__c | KORE_UnitName |
InventoryItem | Unlimited | koreps_unlimited | koreps__Unlimited__c | KORE_Unlimited |
InventoryItem | Wednesday | koreps_wednesday | koreps__Wednesday__c | KORE_Wednesday |
InventoryItem | Id | koreps_propertyid | Id | sf_propertyid |
InventoryItem | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_propertyid |
InventoryItem | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
InventoryItem | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
InventoryItemSeason | Quantity | koreps_quantity | koreps__Quantity__c | KORE_Quantity |
InventoryItemSeason | Id | koreps_inventoryitemseasonid | Id | sf_propertyseasonid |
InventoryItemSeason | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_propertyseasonid |
InventoryItemSeason | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
InventoryItemSeason | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PaymentOption | Type | koreps_type | koreps__Type__c | kore_typename |
PaymentOption | Id | koreps_paymentoptionid | Id | sf_paymentoptionid |
PaymentOption | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_paymentoptionid |
PaymentOption | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PaymentOption | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PriceList | Id | koreps_pricelistid | Id | sf_pricelistid |
PriceList | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PriceList | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__ExternalID__c | kore_pricelistid |
PriceList | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Product | Margin | koreps_margin | koreps__margin__c | kore_marginname |
Product | Order | koreps_order | koreps__order__c | kore_order |
Product | Id | koreps_productid | Id | sf_productid |
Product | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_productid |
Product | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Product | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
RateCard | AllowMultipleLines | koreps_allowmultiplelines | koreps__AllowMultipleLines__c | KORE_AllowMultipleLinesname |
RateCard | Assignment | koreps_assignment | koreps__Assignment__c | KORE_Assignmentname |
RateCard | BaseRate | koreps_baserate | koreps__BaseRate__c | KORE_BaseRate |
RateCard | Default | koreps_default | koreps__Default__c | KORE_Default |
RateCard | Description | koreps_description | koreps__Description__c | KORE_Description |
RateCard | LockTitle | koreps_locktitle | koreps__LockTitle__c | KORE_LockTitle |
RateCard | LockVariableCost | koreps_lockvariablecost | koreps__LockVariableCost__c | KORE_LockVariableCost |
RateCard | LockVariableCost2 | koreps_lockvariablecost2 | koreps__LockVariableCost2__c | KORE_LockVariableCost2 |
RateCard | onlykitcomponent | koreps_onlykitcomponent | koreps__onlykitcomponent__c | KORE_onlykitcomponent |
RateCard | Order | koreps_order | koreps__Order__c | KORE_Order |
RateCard | Rate | koreps_rate | koreps__Rate__c | KORE_Rate |
RateCard | Quantity | koreps_quantity | koreps__Quantity__c | KORE_Quantity |
RateCard | RateOverwritable | koreps_rateoverwritable | koreps__RateOverwritable__c | KORE_RateOverwritable |
RateCard | Remarks | koreps_remarks | koreps__Remarks__c | KORE_Remarks |
RateCard | KOREStatus | koreps_status | koreps__Status__c | KORE_Status |
RateCard | Unit | koreps_unit | koreps__Unit__c | KORE_Unit |
RateCard | UnitofSaleDescription | koreps_unitofsaledescription | koreps__UnitofSaleDescription__c | KORE_UnitofSaleDescription |
RateCard | ValidForEnd | koreps_validforend | koreps__ValidForEnd__c | KORE_ValidForEnd |
RateCard | ValidForStart | koreps_validforstart | koreps__ValidForStart__c | KORE_ValidForStart |
RateCard | VariableCost | koreps_variablecost | koreps__VariableCost__c | KORE_VariableCost |
RateCard | VariableCost2 | koreps_variablecost2 | koreps__VariableCost2__c | KORE_VariableCost2 |
RateCard | WarningThreshold | koreps_warningthreshold | koreps__WarningThreshold__c | KORE_WarningThreshold |
RateCard | Id | koreps_ratecardid | Id | sf_RateCardid |
RateCard | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_RateCardid |
RateCard | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
RateCard | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
RosterRelationship | EndYear | koreps_EndYear | koreps__EndYear__c | KORE_EndYear |
RosterRelationship | StartYear | koreps_StartYear | koreps__StartYear__c | KORE_StartYear |
RosterRelationship | Percentage | koreps_Percentage | koreps__Percentage__c | KORE_Percentage |
RosterRelationship | Type | koreps_Type | koreps__Type__c | KORE_Type |
RosterRelationship | Id | koreps_rosterrelationshipid | Id | sf_rosterrelationshipid |
RosterRelationship | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_rosterrelationshipid |
RosterRelationship | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
RosterRelationship | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Round | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Round | Id | koreps_roundid | Id | sf_roundid |
Round | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_roundid |
Round | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
SalesGoal | GoalExisting | koreps_goalexisting | koreps__Goal_Existing__c | kore_goal_existing |
SalesGoal | GoalNew | koreps_goalnew | koreps__Goal_New__c | kore_goal_new |
SalesGoal | GoalRenewal | koreps_goalrenewal | koreps__Goal_Renewal__c | kore_goal_Renewal |
SalesGoal | Id | koreps_salesgoalid | Id | sf_salesgoalid |
SalesGoal | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_salesgoalid |
SalesGoal | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
SalesGoal | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Season | Start | koreps_start | koreps__Start__c | kore_start |
Season | End | koreps_end | koreps__End__c | kore_end |
Season | Year | koreps_year | koreps__Year__c | kore_year |
Season | Default | koreps_default | koreps__Default__c | kore_default |
Season | ShowOnTicketPurchaseMatrix | koreps_showonticketpurchasematrix | koreps__Show_On_Ticket_Purchase_Matrix__c | kore_showonticketpurchasematrix |
Season | IsDefaultForTicketSales | koreps_isdefaultforticketsales | koreps__Is_Default_For_Ticket_Sales__c | kore_isdefaultforticketsales |
Season | TicketingSeasonIdList | koreps_ticketingseasonidlist | koreps__Ticketing_Season_ID_List__c | kore_ticketingseasonidlist |
Season | Id | koreps_seasonid | Id | sf_seasonid |
Season | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_seasonid |
Season | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Season | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
EventClassification | Statecode | statecode | statecode | |
EventClassification | Id | koreps_eventclassificationid | Id | sf_eventclassificationid |
EventClassification | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_eventclassificationid |
EventClassification | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
EventClassification | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumAddon | Statecode | statecode | statecode | |
PremiumAddon | Id | koreps_premiumaddonid | Id | sf_premiumaddonid |
PremiumAddon | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__ExternalID__c | kore_premiumaddonid |
PremiumAddon | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumAddon | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDeal | ContractType | koreps_contracttype | koreps__ContractType__c | kore_contracttypename |
PremiumDeal | LeaseType | koreps_leasetype | koreps__leasetype__c | kore_leasetypeidname |
PremiumDeal | RentalSubType | koreps_rentaltype | koreps__rentaltype__c | kore_rentaltypeidname |
PremiumDeal | SalesStatus | koreps_salesstatus | koreps__SalesStatus__c | kore_salesstatusname |
PremiumDeal | SaleType | koreps_saletype | koreps__SaleType__c | kore_saletypename |
PremiumDeal | SourceofSale | koreps_sourceofsale | koreps__SourceofSale__c | kore_sourceofsalename |
PremiumDeal | Deposit | koreps_depositamount | koreps__DepositAmount__c | kore_depositamount |
PremiumDeal | NumberofParking | koreps_numberofparking | koreps__NumberofParking__c | kore_numberofparking |
PremiumDeal | SeatNumbers | koreps_suiteseatslist | kore_suiteseatslist | |
PremiumDeal | NumberofSRO | koreps_totalsrotickets | kore_totalsrotickets | |
PremiumDeal | SROSeatNumbers | koreps_sroseatslist | kore_sroseatslist | |
PremiumDeal | SROTicketCost | koreps_sroticketcost | koreps__SROTicketCost__c | kore_sroticketcost |
PremiumDeal | WelcomeMessage | koreps_welcomemessage | koreps__WelcomeMessage__c | kore_welcomemessage |
PremiumDeal | SpecialInstructions | koreps_specialinstructions | koreps__SpecialInstructions__c | kore_specialinstructions |
PremiumDeal | HospitalityDiscount | koreps_hospitalitydiscount | koreps__HospitalityDiscount__c | kore_hospitalitydiscount |
PremiumDeal | ContractStart | koreps_contractstartdate | koreps__ContractStartDate__c | kore_contractstartdate |
PremiumDeal | ContractEnd | koreps_contractenddate | koreps__ContractEndDate__c | kore_contractenddate |
PremiumDeal | EscalationPercentage | koreps_escalationrate | koreps__escalationrate__c | kore_escalationrate |
PremiumDeal | EscalationType | koreps_escalationtype | koreps__EscalationType__c | kore_escalationtypename |
PremiumDeal | PurchasePrice | koreps_purchaseprice | koreps__PurchasePrice__c | kore_purchaseprice |
PremiumDeal | AccountNumber | koreps_accountnumber | koreps__AccountNumber__c | kore_accountnumber |
PremiumDeal | Comment | koreps_comment | koreps__Comment__c | kore_comment |
PremiumDeal | IsCheckedOut | koreps_ischeckedout | koreps__IsCheckedOut__c | kore_ischeckedout |
PremiumDeal | OrderDate | koreps_orderdate | koreps__OrderDate__c | kore_orderdate |
PremiumDeal | OrderNumber | koreps_ordernumber | koreps__OrderNumber__c | kore_ordernumber |
PremiumDeal | OrderStatus | koreps_orderstatus | koreps__OrderStatus__c | kore_orderstatusname |
PremiumDeal | ProcessedOn | koreps_processedon | koreps__ProcessedOn__c | kore_processedon |
PremiumDeal | AnnualPercentageRate | koreps_pslyearlyrate | kore_pslyearlyrate | |
PremiumDeal | TicketStatus | koreps_ticketstatus | koreps__TicketStatus__c | kore_ticketstatus |
PremiumDeal | Total | koreps_total | koreps__Total__c | kore_total |
PremiumDeal | Id | koreps_premiumdealid | Id | sf_premiumdealid |
PremiumDeal | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealid |
PremiumDeal | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDeal | Status | statuscode | statuscodename | |
PremiumDeal | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealAddon | Notes | koreps_notes | koreps__Notes__c | kore_notes |
PremiumDealAddon | Id | koreps_premiumdealaddonid | Id | sf_premiumdealaddonid |
PremiumDealAddon | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealaddonid |
PremiumDealAddon | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDealAddon | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealAllocation | NumberofSRO | koreps_totalsrotickets | koreps__totalsrotickets__c | kore_totalsrotickets |
PremiumDealAllocation | NumberofParking | koreps_numberofparking | koreps__NumberofParking__c | kore_numberofparking |
PremiumDealAllocation | NumberofSeats | koreps_numberoftickets | koreps__numberoftickets__c | kore_numberoftickets |
PremiumDealAllocation | Id | koreps_premiumdeallocationid | Id | sf_premiumdeallocationid |
PremiumDealAllocation | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdeallocationid |
PremiumDealAllocation | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDealAllocation | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealContractYear | Year | koreps_year | koreps__Year__c | Year |
PremiumDealContractYear | Gross | koreps_gross | koreps__Gross__c | kore_gross |
PremiumDealContractYear | YearStart | koreps_yearstart | koreps__YearStart__c | kore_yearstart |
PremiumDealContractYear | Id | koreps_premiumdealcontractyearid | Id | sf_premiumdealcontractyearid |
PremiumDealContractYear | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealcontractyearid |
PremiumDealContractYear | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDealContractYear | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealContractYear | SaleType | koreps_saletype | koreps__SaleType__c | kore_saletypename |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | Rate | koreps_rate | koreps__Rate__c | kore_rate |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | Id | koreps_premiumdealcontractyearfeeid | Id | sf_premiumdealcontractyearfeeid |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealcontractyearfeeid |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDealContractYearFee | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealEvent | Id | koreps_premiumdealeventid | Id | sf_premiumdealeventid |
PremiumDealEvent | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealeventid |
PremiumDealEvent | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumDealEvent | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumDealType | SalesOpportunityProducts | koreps_salesopportunityproducts | koreps__salesopportunityproducts__c | kore_salesopportunityproducts |
PremiumDealType | Id | koreps_premiumdealtypeid | Id | sf_premiumdealtypeid |
PremiumDealType | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumdealtypeid |
PremiumDealType | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumFeeType | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
PremiumFeeType | SupportsEscalation | koreps_supportsescalation | koreps__SupportsEscalation__c | kore_supportsescalation |
PremiumFeeType | Order | koreps_order | koreps__Order__c | kore_order |
PremiumFeeType | Id | koreps_premiumfeetypeid | Id | sf_premiumfeetypeid |
PremiumFeeType | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__ExternalID__c | kore_premiumfeetypeid |
PremiumFeeType | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumSalesGoal | GoalNew | koreps_goal_new | koreps__Goal_New__c | kore_goal_new |
PremiumSalesGoal | GoalRenewal | koreps_goal_renewal | koreps__Goal_Renewal__c | kore_goal_Renewal |
PremiumSalesGoal | Id | koreps_premiumsalesgoalid | Id | sf_premiumsalesgoalid |
PremiumSalesGoal | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_premiumsalesgoalid |
PremiumSalesGoal | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
PremiumSalesGoal | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Seat | PSLStatus | kore_pslstatus | ||
Seat | Row | kore_row | ||
Seat | Number | kore_number | ||
Seat | RowIndex | kore_rowindex | ||
Seat | PSLPrice | kore_pslprice | ||
Seat | SeatIndex | kore_seatindex | ||
Seat | Id | koreps_seatid | Id | sf_seatid |
Seat | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__ExternalID__c | kore_seatid |
Seat | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Seat | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Section | TicketingSectionIdList | koreps_ticketingsectionidlist | koreps__ticketingsectionidlist__c | kore_ticketingsectionidlist |
Section | NumberOfSeats | koreps_numberofseats | koreps__numberofseats__c | kore_numberofseats |
Section | NumberOfSRO | koreps_numberofsro | koreps__numberofsro__c | kore_numberofsro |
Section | NumberOfParking | koreps_numberofparking | koreps__numberofparking__c | kore_numberofparking |
Section | MaxCapacity | kore_maxcapacity | ||
Section | Id | koreps_sectionid | Id | sf_sectionid |
Section | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_sectionid |
Section | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Section | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
SectionRatecard | Rate | koreps_rate | koreps__Rate__c | kore_rate |
SectionRatecard | kore_rentaltype | koreps_rentaltype | koreps__rentaltype__c | kore_rentaltype |
SectionRatecard | kore_leasetype | koreps_leasetype | koreps__leasetype__c | kore_leasetype |
SectionRatecard | kore_sectionratecardlock | koreps_sectionratecardlock | koreps__sectionratecardlock__c | kore_sectionratecardlock |
SectionRatecard | kore_numericname | koreps_numericname | koreps__numericname__c | kore_numericname |
SectionRatecard | kore_sellable | koreps_sellable | koreps__sellable__c | kore_sellable |
SectionRatecard | Id | koreps_sectionratecardid | Id | sf_sectionratecardid |
SectionRatecard | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_sectionratecardid |
SectionRatecard | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
SectionRatecard | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
SectionRatecardFee | Rate | koreps_rate | koreps__Rate__c | kore_rate |
SectionRatecardFee | Id | koreps_sectionratecardfeeid | Id | sf_sectionratecardfeeid |
SectionRatecardFee | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_sectionratecardfeeid |
SectionRatecardFee | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
SectionRatecardFee | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
SectionType | Id | koreps_sectiontypeid | Id | sf_sectiontypeid |
SectionType | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_sectiontypeid |
SectionType | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
SectionType | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
Suite | direction | kore_Direction | ||
Suite | SuiteType | koreps_SuiteType | koreps__SuiteType__c | kore_SuiteType |
Suite | IsLocked | koreps_IsLocked | koreps__IsLocked__c | kore_IsLocked |
Suite | hidelabel | koreps_HideLabel | koreps__hidelabel__c | kore_HideLabel |
Suite | Id | koreps__suiteid | Id | sf_suiteid |
Suite | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_suiteid |
Suite | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | Account | koreps_accountid | koreps__Account__c | sf_accountid |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_acct_id | koreps_acct_id | koreps__acct_id__c | kore_acct_id |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_acct_rep_full_name | koreps_acct_rep_full_name | koreps__Account_Rep_Full_Name__c | kore_acct_rep_full_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_add_datetime | koreps_add_datetime | koreps__Add_Datetime__c | kore_add_datetime |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_add_usr | koreps_add_usr | koreps__Add_Usr__c | kore_add_usr |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_block_purchase_price | koreps_block_purchase_price | koreps__Block_Purchase_Price__c | kore_block_purchase_price |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_comp_name | koreps_comp_name | koreps__Comp_Name__c | kore_comp_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | Contact | koreps_contactid | koreps__Contact__c | sf_contactid |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_database_id | koreps_database_id | koreps__Database_Id__c | kore_database_id |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_database_name | koreps_database_name | koreps__Database_Name__c | kore_database_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_date | koreps_event_date | koreps__Event_Date__c | kore_event_date |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_id | koreps_event_id | koreps__Event_Id__c | kore_event_id |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_name | koreps_event_name | koreps__Event_Name__c | kore_event_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_name_long | koreps_event_name_long | koreps__Event_Name_Long__c | kore_event_name_long |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_full_price | koreps_full_price | koreps__Full_Price__c | kore_full_price |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_group_flag | koreps_group_flag | koreps__Group_Flag__c | kore_group_flag |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_last_seat | koreps_last_seat | koreps__Last_Seat__c | kore_last_seat |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_name_last_first_mi | koreps_name_last_first_mi | koreps__Name_Last_First_Mi__c | kore_name_last_first_mi |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_num_seats | koreps_num_seats | koreps__Num_Seats__c | kore_num_seats |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_order_line_item | koreps_order_line_item | koreps__Order_Line_Item__c | kore_order_line_item |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_order_line_item_seq | koreps_order_line_item_seq | koreps__Order_Line_Item_Seq__c | kore_order_line_item_seq |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_order_num | koreps_order_num | koreps__Order_Num__c | kore_order_num |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_owed_amount | koreps_owed_amount | koreps__Owed_Amount__c | kore_owed_amount |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_paid_amount | koreps_paid_amount | koreps__Paid_Amount__c | kore_paid_amount |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_percent_paid | koreps_percent_paid | koreps__Percent_Paid__c | kore_percent_paid |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_plan_event_name | koreps_plan_event_name | koreps__Plan_Event_Name__c | kore_plan_event_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_price_code | koreps_price_code | koreps__Price_Code__c | kore_price_code |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_printed_price | koreps_printed_price | koreps__Printed_Price__c | kore_printed_price |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_purchase_price | koreps_purchase_price | koreps__Purchase_Price__c | kore_purchase_price |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_row_name | koreps_row_name | koreps__Row_Name__c | kore_row_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_sales_source_name | koreps_sales_source_name | koreps__Sales_Source_Name__c | kore_sales_source_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_season_year | koreps_season_year | koreps__Season_Year__c | kore_season_year |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_seat_increment | koreps_seat_increment | koreps__Seat_Increment__c | kore_seat_increment |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_seat_num | koreps_seat_num | koreps__Seat_Num__c | kore_seat_num |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_seats | koreps_seats | koreps__Seats__c | kore_seats |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_section_name | koreps_section_name | koreps__Section_Name__c | kore_section_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_source | koreps_source | koreps__Source__c | kore_source |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_ticket_status | koreps_ticket_status | koreps__Ticket_Status__c | kore_ticket_status |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_tm_event_name | koreps_tm_event_name | koreps__TM_Event_Name__c | kore_tm_event_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_total_events | koreps_total_events | koreps__Total_Events__c | kore_total_events |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_upd_datetime | koreps_upd_datetime | koreps__Upd_Datetime__c | kore_upd_datetime |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_updated | koreps_updated | koreps__Updated__c | kore_updated |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_ledger_code | koreps_ledger_code | koreps__ledger_code__c | kore_ledger_code |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_season_id | koreps_season_id | koreps__season_id__c | kore_season_id |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_ticket_type_category | koreps_ticket_type_category | koreps__ticket_type_category__c | kore_ticket_type_category |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_type_code | koreps_event_type_code | koreps__event_type_code__c | kore_event_type_code |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_team | koreps_team | koreps__team__c | kore_team |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_event_time | koreps_event_time | koreps__event_time__c | kore_event_time |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_class_name | koreps_class_name | koreps__class_name__c | kore_class_name |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_pc_ticket | koreps_pc_ticket | koreps__pc_ticket__c | kore_pc_ticket |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_pc_tax | koreps_pc_tax | koreps__pc_tax__c | kore_pc_tax |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_pc_licfee | koreps_pc_licfee | koreps__pc_licfee__c | kore_pc_licfee |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_ticket_type | koreps_ticket_type | koreps__ticket_type__c | kore_ticket_type |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | kore_ticket_type_code | koreps_ticket_type_code | koreps__ticket_type_code__c | kore_ticket_type_code |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | Id | koreps_archticsticketpurchaseid | Id | sf_ticketpurchaseid |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_ticketpurchaseid |
TicketPurchaseKoreps | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Touchpoint2 | Cost | koreps_Cost | koreps__Cost__c | KORE_Cost |
Touchpoint2 | PerceivedValue | koreps_PerceivedValue | koreps__PerceivedValue__c | KORE_PerceivedValue |
Touchpoint2 | Points | koreps_Points | koreps__Points__c | KORE_Points |
Touchpoint2 | Id | koreps_touchpointid | Id | sf_touchpointid |
Touchpoint2 | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_touchpointid |
Touchpoint2 | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
Touchpoint2 | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
TouchpointGoal | CurrentCost | koreps_CurrentCost | koreps__CurrentCost__c | KORE_CurrentCost |
TouchpointGoal | CurrentPerceivedValue | koreps_CurrentPerceivedValue | koreps__CurrentPerceivedValue__c | KORE_CurrentPerceivedValue |
TouchpointGoal | CurrentPoints | koreps_CurrentPoints | koreps__CurrentPoints__c | KORE_CurrentPoints |
TouchpointGoal | EndDate | koreps_EndDate | koreps__EndDate__c | KORE_EndDate |
TouchpointGoal | StartDate | koreps_StartDate | koreps__StartDate__c | KORE_StartDate |
TouchpointGoal | PointsRemaining | koreps_PointsRemaining | koreps__PointsRemaining__c | KORE_PointsRemaining |
TouchpointGoal | TargetValue | koreps_TargetValue | koreps__TargetValue__c | KORE_TargetValue |
TouchpointGoal | TicketingID | koreps_TicketingID | koreps__TicketingID__c | KORE_TicketingID |
TouchpointGoal | Id | koreps_touchpointgoalid | Id | sf_touchpointgoalid |
TouchpointGoal | ExternalId | koreps_externalid | koreps__External_ID__c | kore_touchpointgoalid |
TouchpointGoal | Name | koreps_name | Name | kore_name |
TouchpointGoal | IsActive | statecode | koreps__Active__c | statecode |
ObjectPermissions | Id | |||
ObjectPermissions | SobjectType | |||
ObjectPermissions | PermissionsCreate | |||
ObjectPermissions | PermissionsRead | |||
ObjectPermissions | PermissionsEdit | |||
ObjectPermissions | PermissionsViewAllRecords | |||
ObjectPermissions | PermissionsModifyAllRecords | |||
Permissionset | Id | |||
Permissionset | PermissionsEditEvent | |||
Permissionset | PermissionsEditTask | |||
UserRole | id | |||
UserRole | name | |||
profile | id | |||
profile | name |