A Golden Record combines data from multiple sources and provides the best available data for each field. KORE provides a standard list of fields, but Helix allows you to customize the field names it displays. You can also add additional fields and use grouping to further aid the matching process.
Add new fields
Caution: Once you add a field, you cannot remove it via the Helix UI. If you make a mistake please contact KORE Support for assistance. If you need help deciding when you should create a custom field on the golden record please refer to this article.
To create a custom field, click the + (plus) button. This adds a new line at the bottom of the list. The field name will be shown throughout the interface and may be edited later. The API name is used in the underlying database and cannot be changed later.
The field name may contain spaces, but the API name cannot. Helix will automatically provide a suggested API name as you type in the field name.
Assign fields to groups
Note: Groupings only affect the matching rules—they do not change how Golden Records are displayed.
To create a Golden Record, KORE uses your matching rules to determine whether the records from different sources belong to the same individual. Generally, the various data sets may have different names for a single piece of information (such as "zip code" and "postal code") which can be compared on a one-to-one basis.
In some cases, though, different fields may contain the same type of data. For example, many data sets contain both "home phone" and "cell phone" fields. If an individual only has a cell phone (no landline), one data set might store that phone number in its "home phone" field while other data sets store it in their "cell phone" field.
With groupings, these fields can be combined for record matching purposes. A matching rule can use the Phone Number grouping instead of a single field, allowing the phone numbers to be compared on an any-to-any basis.
In this example, Data Set B requires users to provide a home phone number but the cell phone number is optional, so the individual provided their cell number in the "Phone - Home" field. If a matching rule only compares cell phone fields to other cell phone fields, Data Set B will not match. But if the matching rule uses the Phone Number grouping (and if the Home and Cell Phone fields are both assigned to the grouping), Helix identifies the match.
Two groupings are available: phone number and email address. Use the drop-down selector next to a field to add it to a grouping. If you make a mistake, use the x button to remove the field from the grouping. Click Save when finished.