Summary page
After Helix creates Golden Records for the first time, the list will be available in the Golden Records tab. You can then click any individual's line to view their fully detailed Golden Record. This includes the authoritative contact details, any tags or attributes applied to the individual, and a list of data set records Helix connected together.
Inspector tool
To understand why Helix connected that person's data set records, click the Inspect button. This loads a visualization of the data set records and your matching rules.
Circles represent a data set record. Click on a circle to highlight that record in the list, and click it again to de-select. You can select multiple records at the same time.
Squares with numbers represent a matching rule. The numbers are arbitrary; they only exist so you can use the legend to see the full list of rules in use. This is a list of "applied rules"—it only includes the rules actually used to construct the Golden Record, and the same rule could be used more than once (thus having more than one square in the diagram).
Hover over a node to view more details about it. Click and drag any of the nodes to move them. This can make it easier to see the lines connecting the specific nodes you're interested in.
We recommend using the Inspector to spot-check several Golden Records after making changes to the matching rules (once Helix has applied those changes, usually overnight). If you discover any data set records connected in error, the Inspector shows you why they were connected to this Golden Record. This can help uncover any mistakes in the rules or unreliable data.
In this visualization, an individual has two different email addresses used by your data sets. The user-defined "Exact Email Match" rule first connects the three "tyrone@trynowdo.example" records to a node for that rule (#1).
The same rule then separately connects the two "" records. Even though it used the same rule, it's a different instance of the rule so it gets its own node (#3).
The user-defined "Name Address" rule (#2) connects four records together.
The user-defined "Name Phone" (#4) rule offers additional evidence that the two records it connects belong to the same individual.
One of the data set records only connects to the Golden Record via a single user-defined rule ("Name Address", node #1). It turns out that this individual has two records in Marketo and no single rule could connect them together directly. But because the Golden Record connects multiple data sets, this gap was bridged and the duplicate is identified.
The Golden Record presents the best data for this individual as determined by your tiebreaker rules, but the Inspector shows you the data set records. This is useful for determining if your tiebreaker rules are working as intended.