What is Campaign Response?
Campaign Response can be measured for both Regular and Auto Campaigns. Please not that campaign response is not (yet) available for Helix customers.
Campaign Response allows you to view the results of a campaign based on your selected Campaign Target. Examples of this might be General Match Tickets for an upcoming fixture, or sales of a newly released Replica Shirt. Campaign Response is measured for each individual Communication List within the time period of the Campaign, and looks specifically at the number of products sold and the amount of revenue generated through sales of this specific product to the contacts within your Communication Lists.
Find out how to select your Campaign Target in our Creating a Regular Campaign article here.
View Campaign Response within a Campaign
- After logging in to APPS, navigate to the Campaign Manager module from the dashboard on the left-hand side and select Campaigns.
- On the Campaigns page, you'll see a list of all Campaigns. Navigate to the Campaign that you want to view using the filter icon or search bar in the top right-hand corner. As criteria is added, the list of Campaigns fitting the criteria will update in the background. To navigate out of the filter, click on the X in the top right-hand corner. You can also refresh the list using the circular arrow.
- Once you have located your Campaign, click on the three dots and click Campaign Response.
- The Campaign Response page will now appear. Whilst the Campaign Response reporting is loading, you'll see a cog icon.
- Once loaded, all Communication Lists within the Campaign will be listed out. Click on the blue Communication List label to expand the Campaign Response for that specific Communication List.
- Campaign Response will be displayed for that specific Communication List. Below is an explanation of the column names:
Label Description List Size Number of contacts meeting the filter criteria within the Communication List Sent Number of contacts meeting the filter criteria within the Communication List who have received the specific communication Clicks Number of contacts that have clicked a link in the specific communication Opens Number of contacts that have opened the specific communication Unsubscribes Number of contacts that have unsubscribed via the specific communication Respondents Number of contacts meeting the filter criteria within the Communication List that have purchased the Campaign Target Products Sold Number of Campaign Target products that contacts meeting the filter criteria within the Communication List have purchased Revenue Gross revenue generated through sales of the Campaign Target product to contacts meeting the filter criteria within the Communication List
View Campaign Response within Tableau
It is also possible to view Campaign Response at Campaign level within your Campaigns Report in Tableau if this is included as part of your Tableau Premium package.
Contact your Customer Success Manager if you wish to discuss our Tableau Premium package to gain access to this report.
- After logging in to APPS, navigate to the Tableau module from the dashboard on the left-hand side.
- Locate the Campaigns report using the search field in the top right-hand corner if required.
- In the second tab, Response, you'll see an overview of all Campaigns organised by Year and Product Category with the most recent showing first. Use the filters at the bottom of the page to filter based on Year of Communication List Start Date, Month of Communication List Start Date or Product Category.
Contact your Customer Success manager if you require any assistance outside of what is outlined in the Help Center.