To place a list of Contacts in a Campaign via Salesforce Campaign Members, the FanFinder tool can be used to create Campaign Member CRM records to associate Contacts to Campaigns. Reach out to your KORE Success Rep for them to light up the feature!
To do this, on the Actions Tab you will need to insert a Campaign Name and Check the Create Campaign Members box.
Next, walk through the Campaign Creation process. If none of the other records types in the Create section are chosen, the Assignment section will be locked as Campaign Members do not require assignment.
To view the progress of the Campaign, navigate to the Intro tab. Under the History section, Campaign Members will be checked with the progress of the Campaign Member record creation.
To view the created Campaign Member records:
Navigate to the Campaign within Salesforce → Within the Campaign's Related Section, Click 'View All' To see all Campaign Members.
Note - Campaign Members records can ONLY be created with Contacts. Saleforce does not allow Campaign Member records for Accounts.