Archtics has its own concept of “primary” and “secondary” information which is distinct from KORE Ticketing’s use of the terms. Multiple individuals can be connected to a single Archtics account, but one of them must be the primary customer. Although we don’t create CRM contacts from secondary customers, the data can still be found and accessed using Contact Search Wizard (CSW).
For details about KORE Ticketing’s concept of primary ticketing accounts, see Primary and secondary contact information.
Archtics customer records
In Archtics, a “customer name” is more than a literal name—it’s a record that also has a unique ID number and holds contact information specific to that individual.
An Archtics account must designate one Primary customer name. It may optionally designate one Secondary customer name, and then any number of additional Other customer names.
A customer name can be associated with more than one Archtics account.
Processing and deduplication
When KORE Ticketing receives the latest data from Archtics, we compare each Archtics account to those we already know about. We use a mapping table to track the Archtics accounts. If the Archtics account doesn’t match any of the ones we’ve seen before, we label it as a “primary” Archtics account in our mapping table. But if we do find a match, we then create an entry in our mapping table that lists this Archtics account as “secondary” for the CRM contact associated with the matched primary Archtics account.
As an example, suppose there are two Archtics accounts which KORE Ticketing is seeing for the first time. Tyrone Smith has an Archtics account which he uses to make purchases on behalf of his company, and a separate Archtics account which he uses to buy tickets for his family. Both Archtics accounts have secondary customer names—a coworker and a family member, respectively.
Acct_ID 2001 Primary customer ID: 99301
Secondary customer ID: 99507
… |
Acct_ID 3004
Type: Individual Primary customer ID: 99755
Secondary customer ID: 99802
When the first Archtics account is processed, we don’t find a match for Tyrone during deduplication, so we create a new CRM contact and map it to this Archtics account (2001) as primary. But when we process the second Archtics account, we recognize it as a duplicate since the email addresses match, so we map the CRM contact to this Archtics account (3004) as secondary.
CRM ID 5007 |
As a result, Tyrone Smith’s CRM contact displays contact information from Acct_ID 2001 which is his business contact information, not from Acct_ID 3004 which is his home information.
During processing, KORE Ticketing does not use any secondary customer data. Specifically, it is not considered during deduplication and no CRM contacts are created from it. In our example, no CRM contact is created for Priya Agarwal since she is only connected by a secondary customer name.
Note: A CRM contact might still exist for an individual listed as a secondary customer. This happens if they are the primary customer for a different Archtics account or if you have manually created a CRM contact for them at some point.
Contact Search Wizard (CSW)
Contact information about a secondary customer is not shown in most CRM views. However, CSW can still access the information and use it to match queries. This may sometimes produce search results that look “wrong” but aren’t.
Continuing our example, suppose you remember that you need to call someone named Liz who lives on South Ave, so you use CSW with these criteria. It may seem that she is missing from the results since there’s no CRM contact for her. But there is another section of the results called “secondary names” where Liz Smith is listed. If you click the Open button for that result, it brings up Tyrone Smith’s CRM contact page with an address on North St.
As with other secondary ticketing accounts, you can view raw data which includes this secondary contact information using the Ticketing Account Data screen. For example, you can find the phone number specifically tied to Liz (likely her cell phone). However, you cannot use Ticketing Data Manager (TDM) to change which Archtics customer name we display contact details from. This is because the primary Archtics account is set by KORE Ticketing, but the primary customer name is internal to Archtics and can only be changed there.