Once a deal has assets connected to it, you can use Activate to track fulfillment of the deliveries. The Delivery Manager helps you schedule deliveries, spot any missed deliveries so you can make good on them, track any bonus assets provided, and record completed deliveries.
To access the Delivery Manager, open the deal and select the Assets tab. Then click an asset's Delivery bar.
The Delivery Manager may also be accessed by opening an asset in the side panel, selecting the Delivery tab, and clicking the edit icon.
Bank assets
Each individual unit of a bank asset can be scheduled independently. You can also schedule different quantities of units to deliver for different events.
- Click the Add Delivery button.
- Enter the Date you plan to deliver the asset on.
- Enter a quantity in the Scheduled field.
- Select a Delivery Reason. This defaults to Standard.
- Click the Save button.
- Enter the quantity of scheduled assets delivered into the Delivered field.
- If any excess assets were delivered, input that quantity in the Bonus field.
- Select the Delivery Date.
- Click the Save button.
Seasonal assets
One-time delivery
For many seasonal assets, it’s only necessary to confirm delivery once. For example, static signage may be installed at the start of a season and not taken down.
- Enter a quantity in the Scheduled field.
- Select a Delivery Reason. This defaults to Standard.
- Select Save.
- Enter the quantity of scheduled assets delivered into the Delivered field.
- If any excess assets were delivered, input that quantity in the Bonus field.
- Select the Delivery Date.
- Select Save.
Per-event delivery
Note: The Manage By Events button will only function if the asset is associated with an event category. Hover over the information icon to verify availability.
Some seasonal assets may need to be tracked on a per-event basis. For example, there might be a promotional tent at the venue entrance that needs to be set up before every home game. Click the Manage By Events button to automatically create separate delivery records for each applicable event.
In the confirmation window, select Expand And Copy to create each event delivery record using the same data you’ve already entered in the seasonal delivery record (if any). Or, if that data shouldn’t be copied to each delivery record, instead choose Expand Without Copy.
Activate will create the delivery records and you can now edit each one individually as if it were a bank asset. When finished, select Save.
Delivery reasons
When filling out the delivery record, a delivery reason must be selected from the drop-down list. There are three choices, with Standard being the default.
Standard: The asset was (or will be) delivered as agreed. (Previously called "Contractual".)
Make Good: The asset was (or will be) delivered to make up for a previous under-delivery. For example, perhaps a previous event ended early due to rain and prevented you from delivering a scheduled asset.
Bonus: The asset was (or will be) delivered in excess of the contractual obligation. For example, you may fill unsold digital billboard time with a client’s ad as a free bonus.
The Channel field provides an optional way to track how or where an asset was delivered. For example, a social media post might be made on Twitter, Facebook, or any other network. You could also use channels for player appearance assets to track the specific player who attended an event.
Channels must be configured by an admin for your organization before they can be used.
Flexible quantity
Sometimes, a contract may not specify the quantity of an asset that will be delivered. For example, you might sell a "social media campaign" and deliver posts based on a target number of total impressions. Normally, the contracted quantity and delivered quantity are linked—any deliveries in excess of the contracted quantities must be recorded as bonus deliveries. With flexible quantity, you can break this link and schedule multiple deliveries: for example, a contracted quantity of 1 campaign might result in 20 scheduled deliveries.
To enable flexible quantity for an asset, open the Delivery Manager and click the chain link icon:
After confirming, you will be able to add as many deliveries as you like. The total will automatically increase, but it will not automatically decrease if you later delete deliveries. You can also manually adjust the total quantity—for example, you might guarantee a minimum number of deliveries that you aren't ready to schedule yet.
Once flexible quantity is enabled for an asset and you click the Save button, the action cannot be undone.
Validation and review
The Delivery Manager validates your entries and will notify you of any problems. For example, you can’t deliver more of an asset at an event than you scheduled unless you input the excess as bonus. Likewise, you can’t schedule more deliveries than the contract specifies unless you've enabled flexible quantity for it.
Each asset's status bar shows the quantity and percentage of deliveries scheduled and completed.
You can also view this in the Delivery tab of an asset's side panel. Bonus deliveries are only displayed in the side panel's table—the status bars only reflect standard deliveries.