Deprecated: This page describes the older Insights Portal. Contact your KORE Success Manager to ask about switching to the new Helix platform.
Often, a marketing department will request a list of contacts matching certain criteria. Business intelligence analysts then write SQL queries to produce that list. If the same criteria are used frequently, you can create a tag. A tag is essentially a saved query whose results are updated nightly. Marketing and other users can download the list of Golden Records associated with a tag at any time without using SQL.
To add or edit tags, you must be a Power User or Admin. Tags are refreshed hourly.
Data dictionary
The data dictionary for this integration can be found here.
Key Fields
: unique identifier for the customer, this is the foreign key to the tags.customerid field. -
: indicates the source system the record came from. -
: this is the unique id from the source system which can be used to link back to the source system.
Example queries
This section shows how to create SQL queries to integrate KORE Tags with other KORE’s products:
Searching for customer records
Here is an example query on how to search for a customer and all their associated records
SELECT t.customerid, t.firstname, t.lastname,, t.source, cg."sourceid"
FROM insightsx.tags t
JOIN insights.customer_group cg
ON t.customerid = cg.customerid
WHERE = ''
ORDER BY "source";
Linking To Source Data
Linking customer records back through to the source data can be achieved by using the 'customer_group'
table as the bridge back to the customer information in the source system.
The key elements of this linkage are the 'sourceid'
and 'source'
fields, as they help you to define fields you need to use to use to link back to the source system.
Eloqua Example
For an example of how link back to Eloqua, the following is recommended:
insights.customer_group.sourceid =
AND insights.customer_group.source = ‘eloqua’
SQL Example - Displaying Eloqua Email sends in the last 30 days
SELECT t.customerid, t.firstname, t.lastname,
COUNT(distinct activityid) email_sends
FROM insightsx.tags t
JOIN insights.customer_group cg
ON t.customerid = cg.customerid
ON cg.sourceid = ec.contactid
LEFT JOIN eloqua.emailsend es
ON ec.contactid = es.contactid
AND activitydate < current_date - 30
WHERE = '' /* Email address who registered the Tag */
AND cg.source = 'eloqua' /* Tag Source name */
AND t.tag_name='nba_resale_buyers_-_spent_$250+_(2019-20)'
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3;
For an example of how to link back to korepss, the following JOIN is recommended, then you can find any KOREPSS related data:
insights.customer_group.sourceid = korepss.syncedcontacts.contactid
and insights.customer_group.source = ‘korepss’
SQL Example - Displaying KOREPSS activities in the last 30 days
SELECT DISTINCT t.customerid, t.firstname, t.lastname,
sa.activitydate, sa.subject, sa.activitytype
FROM insightsx.tags t
INNER JOIN insights.customer_group cg
ON t.customerid = cg.customerid
INNER JOIN korepss.syncedcontacts sc
ON cg.sourceid = sc.contactid
LEFT JOIN korepss.syncedactivities sa
ON sc.contactid = sa.contactid
AND sa.koreactivitydate < current_date - 30
WHERE = '' /* Email address who registered the Tag */
AND cg.source = 'korepss' /* Tag Source name */
AND t.tag_name='nba_resale_buyers_-_spent_$250+_(2019-20)'
ORDER BY sa.activitydate;
DWA Archtics Ticketing Example
For an example of how to link back to Archtics ticketing datasource, the following JOIN is recommended. Note for this integration is necessary a custom JOIN logic to link the sourceid field:
On archtics.cust
archtics.cust.acct_id + '-' + archtics.cust.cust_name_id = insights.customer_group.sourceid
On archtics.ticket
archtics.cust.acct_id = archtics.ticket.acct_id
SQL Example - Displaying Active Sold Tickets for Full Season plan
SELECT DISTINCT t.customerid, cg.source, t.tag_name,
tt.event_name, tt.section_name, tt.row_name, tt.num_seats
FROM insightsx.tags t
INNER JOIN insights.customer_group cg
ON t.customerid = cg.customerid
INNER JOIN archtics.cust c
ON c.acct_id + '-' + c.cust_name_id = cg.sourceid
INNER JOIN archtics.ticket tt
ON c.acct_id = tt.acct_id
WHERE t.tag_name IN ('lapsed_ticket_purchasers_without_plans')
AND t.source = 'archtics'
AND tt.ticket_status= 'A' /* A: Active tickets, R: Returned tickets */
AND tt.plan_event_name LIKE '%FS' /* FS: Full Season tickets */
DWA Ticketing Example
For an example of how to link back to DWA ticketing datasource is very similar to the Archtics example, the following JOIN is recommended. Note for this integration is also necessary a custom JOIN logic to link the sourceid field:
On archtics.cust
archtics.cust.acct_id + '-' + archtics.cust.cust_name_id = insights.customer_group.sourceid
On archtics.ticket
archtics.cust.acct_id = archtics.ticket.acct_id
SQL Example - Displaying Active Sold Tickets for Full Season plan
SELECT DISTINCT t.customerid, cg.source, t.tag_name,
p.event_desc, p.manifest_desc, tt.seatsid,tt.season_year
FROM insightsx.tags t
INNER JOIN insights.customer_group cg
ON t.customerid = cg.customerid
INNER JOIN archtics.cust c
ON c.acct_id + '-' + c.cust_name_id = cg.sourceid
INNER JOIN dwa.fact_ticket_transaction tt
ON c.acct_id = tt.contact_id
INNER JOIN dwa.dim_product p
ON tt.productsid = p.productsid
WHERE t.tag_name in ('lapsed_ticket_purchasers_without_plans')
AND t.source = 'archtics'
AND tt.ticket_status= 'A' /* A: Active tickets, R: Returned tickets */
AND tt.season_year = 2021
AND p.eventcode LIKE '%FS' /* FS: Full Season tickets */