📢 On this page, you'll find the latest Activate features and updates released by date. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you have questions.Â
September 5, 2024
Visual Updates to Streamline Managing Your Deal Members
The Members tab in deals now displays all Deal Members in a table format. This displays more information like the user's domain and time zone.
With the previous introduction of permissions and visibility, the old terminology of "internal" versus "external" lost meaning because custom user groups could include both internal and external users. The new column Domain has been introduced to help address that gap. Domain considers the user's email domain to help identify which users are a part of the organization and which users may be a part of a different organization.Â
Additionally, we have updated the old Invite box to now display users' full name and email address to simplify adding users as members to the deal. The New User option can be used to invite external users directly to a deal, just like before. These new users will be placed in the Activate External Users Group.Â
In the near future, organizations with KORE's Sponsorship platform will have their salesperson and coordinator automatically synced to Activate as long as that person is an active user.Â
Easily Identify Who Said What within Tasks To Reduce Confusion
Previously, we only showed the user's display icon in the Comments section within Tasks. We have now updated this section to include the user's full name with each comment and we will show the user's email address when hovering over the display icon. This update clarifies communication within Tasks so there's less confusion and time wasted.Â
Order Deal Asset Statuses to Match Your Workflow & Save Time
Deal Asset Statuses can now be given a Sort Order value. Sort Order can be given to each Deal Asset's Status in the System Configurations section and that sort order will be respected in the deals tab drop-down.Â
This enables users to see their true workflow reflected when updating the status on a deal asset, saving time.Â
June 18, 2024
User Group Permissions Now Allow You to "Hide Deal Assets"Â
What Is It: Users now have the ability to hide assets from certain user groups with the introduction of a new permission called “View Hidden Deal Assets”. Organizations can choose whether or not custom user groups can see hidden assets within a deal. By default, this permission is given to Admin and Standard groups, but not the External User Group. This feature gives more granularity on what information is shared with partners when they access Activate.Â
How It Works: Users with the "View Hidden Deal Assets" permission will be able to see a new "Asset Visibility" column on the deal Assets tab and will be able to mark an asset as either hidden or visible. Users without the permission will not see the option to mark an asset as hidden/visible and will not see the column, and any assets with visibility set to hidden will not show in the Assets tab table.
Roll Over OKRs from One Season to the Next
What Problem It Solves: If your organization heavily uses OKRs, the new rollover tool in Activate will copy OKRs from one season to the next.
How It Works: On the Deals page, there is a new option to select "Deal OKRs" under "Roll Over". This allows users to select which OKRs to roll over by deal. The OKRs will copy over to the "Forward To" season, replace any existing OKRs in that future season, and the "Key Result Performance" value will reset to "0". Users will also have the option to increase all "Key Result Targets" by a percentage.
May 29, 2024Â
User Group Permissions Now Include "No Deal Type" and "No Account Group"
Who It Helps: This new feature allows customers to create user groups that only show deals and accounts that belong to specific Deal Types or Account Groups, excluding those with blank values.Â
What Problem It Solves: Previously, deals and accounts without specified Deal Types or Account Groups always appeared, regardless of user group policies. Because these fields are optional, many deals and accounts can have blank values, but this should no longer clutter results.
How It Works: In the Permissions tab, when "No Restrictions" is off for the Account Group or Deal Type sections, there is now an additional checkbox for "No Account Group" and "No Deal Type". Checking this box allows the user group to see deals or accounts with blank values in these fields
Tailor Activate to Your Unique Workflow with Enhanced ViewsÂ
With Enhanced Views, you can now choose and save what columns you see in a table. Enhanced Views are available on the following pages: Deals, Accounts, Assets tab in Deals, Assets, and Events.Â
What Are Enhanced Views
Set default visible columns and filters on a page to ensure that when you login, you only see the data you care about.Â
What Problem It Solves
Enhanced Views streamline your workflow by not having to change filters every time you visit a page. Additionally, search results no longer disappear after clicking away from the page. The new views also meet your requests to add Deal Description as a column on the Deals page.
How It Works
Admin and Standard users can now create, save, and pin custom public views on Deals, Accounts, Assets, Events, and the Assets tab within a Deal. Users without the "Create and Edit Public Table Views" permission can still pin public views and save their own private views.
Key Benefits:Â
- Tailor the platform to fit your unique workflow, streamlining operations and boosting productivity.
- Easily customize your dashboard by selecting the columns you want to see, ensuring you have the most relevant information at your fingertips.
- Highlight and prioritize your most important data, so you can focus on what matters most to your role.Â
- Save your favorite filters and views to quickly access the data you need without repetitive setup.
There are several new terms and visual tools in the new feature. Review the Help Center article to learn how to start using Enhanced Views today.Â
April 9, 2024Â
“Bulk Edit Deliveries” Takes Managing Deliveries to the Next Level
Now that users have the ability to add multiple delivery rows at the same time with Bulk Add, we are continuing to improve the user experience by allowing users to update the information on multiple delivery rows all at once.
On the full page slider, you’ll notice the addition of a checkbox on the left hand side of each delivery row.
Selecting the checkbox in the header row will check all rows for the asset, and the user can select as many rows as they would like. Once a checkbox has been checked, the Bulk Add button in the top right changes. Now, there are two buttons that say “Bulk Edit” and “Bulk Delete”.
If the user selects Bulk Delete, the selected rows will be removed. Please note that there is no additional confirmation modal, but the user will need to press “Save” to save their deletion. If the user would like to revert their changes after pressing the delete button, they can click the “X” to exit without saving.
If the user selects Bulk Edit, the Bulk Edit modal will open.
In the top section, there are two quick actions:
Auto-Match Delivered as Scheduled: This will set the “Delivered” value to be the same as the “Scheduled” value for each selected row. If this option is selected, you’ll notice that the Delivered checkbox below becomes disabled because a value has already been chosen for that field.
Auto-Match Delivery Date as Event Date: This will set the “Delivery Date” value to be the same as the Event’s Date value for each selected row. If this option is selected, you’ll notice that the Delivery Date checkbox below becomes disabled because a value will already be set for that field.
In the bottom section, there is a combination of checkboxes and input fields. This allows users to leave certain values unchanged. If you would like to set a value for a field, first, select the checkbox, and then the user may input a value into the field. This will apply the same value to all selected rows.
To put all these edits into affect, the user will need to use the “Apply” button in the top right corner of the modal. This will close the modal and put all the changes into the delivery page.
The user will still need to press “Save” to have these changes take effect.
In the near future, the following enhancements are also coming:
Bulk Add Deliveries from Reports: Do the same thing as above but from the Asset Delivery report!
Bulk Edit Deliveries - Extra Information: Currently, we only allow users to edit: Event, Scheduled, Delivered, Bonus, Reason, and Delivery Date. In an upcoming release, they will also be able to edit the following fields:
Cost Description
Text to display for URL
Delivery Notes
Delivery Tags
Extended Rounds can be excluded from the Delivery % Calculation
For organizations who have both Sponsorship and Activate, we now have the ability to ignore certain rounds from the total Delivery % calculation. This is especially helpful when you have deals that include assets in extended season rounds that can not be fulfilled in a given season.
If you would like to have a round excluded from the Delivery % calculation on a deal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager with the applicable Season and Round name(s).
March 5, 2024Â
“Bulk Add Deliveries” Streamlines How You Manage Deliveries
A new feature has been introduced to help improve the user experience for creating multiple delivery lines.
When a user is on the full page delivery slider, a new button is available in the top right corner called “Bulk Add Deliveries”. This option is available for Bank assets associated with an Event Category or List and for Seasonal assets that have been expanded to delivery by event.
When you click on the button, the Bulk Add Deliveries modal will open. In this modal you will be able to set the default value for every delivery record you want to add. In the top half every field that is normally available for a delivery record will be editable and the value chosen will apply to every row.
If you check “Auto-Match Delivery Date As Event Date”, it will set the Delivery Date field in each delivery row to have the same value as the Event date. This will also make the “Delivery Date” field disabled.
The Delivered value cannot exceed the Scheduled value. The Additional Values section can be expanded and collapsed.
In the bottom half of the modal, you can search and select all of the events you would like to add a delivery to. This section also includes an icon to indicate whether or not a delivery already exists for an event. If there is a green checkmark to the left of the event listed, that means a delivery already exists. The orange exclamation mark indicates that there is no delivery associated with that event for this asset. Users may also filter to show just Events with or without deliveries using the Valid Events dropdown.
The same icons to show whether or not an event has an existing delivery for this asset, is also now available in the events drop-down on the full page delivery slider:
After a user has selected which events they would like to add, the “Add” button in the top right corner of the modal will turn blue. This will close the modal and add all lines to the delivery page.
The user will still need to press “Save” to have these changes take effect.
In the near future, the following enhancements are also coming:
Bulk Add Deliveries from Reports - do the same thing as above but from the Asset Delivery report!
Bulk Edit Deliveries - this will give users to ability to change the values in multiple (or all) rows at once.
Bulk Edit Deliveries from Reports - this will give users to ability to edit values in multiple delivery records from the Event Delivery Report and the Asset Delivery report.
February 22, 2024Â
New “Event Category” Streamlines How You Update Deals
A new field has been added to Deal Details called “Event Categories”.Â
Previously, when making a delivery for an event, the dropdown menu would display every event related to the asset. This was inconvenient because long lists made it difficult to locate the specific event for the delivery.Â
The "Event Categories" field allows users to associate a deal with an event category, which limits the amount of valid events available for the assets within the deal.
- If the deal has an event category, each asset’s delivery event list will only show the events that match both the deal and asset’s event categories.
- If an event category is not added to a deal, then all assets within the deal will show the events that match all of the asset’s event categories.
- If the deal has an event category or a combination of event categories that do not overlap with any of the asset’s event categories, there will be no options in the event drop-down in delivery.Â
Note: Deal event categories are associated on a per season basis. This means Event Categories can be different from year to year, but it will need to be added to a deal for every season it applies to as well.
The event categories field can be turned on and off using a system configuration toggle.Â
- Go to System Configurations > Deals > Deal Configuration. If the Relationship is turned ON then the valid events will be filtered as outlined above.
- Toggling it ON will not affect any existing delivery records, it will only adjust the available events to select from.
Set Up
Three elements should be completed before adding event categories to a deal.Â
1. Events and Event Categories - Ensure that all the correct events are associated with the correct event categories.Â
2. Assets - Ensure the assets you want to use in a deal are associated with the correct event categories. Each event category that is associated with an asset means every event in that category could be relevant for the asset in delivery.
3. Event Category - Add the event category to the specific deal you want to update.Â
Note: All items are season specific, so the relationship between assets, events, and deals can change from year to year.
After setup is complete, whenever an event-based delivery is created, the event drop-down will only show events that match both the deal and asset’s common event categories.
February 14, 2024Â
How to Get the Latest Deal Info in Activate with New Resync Button
Users with the "Setup - Resync Record" permission will be able to trigger a resync for a deal. The new resync button resyncs all the assets and events belonging to that deal. This permission is automatically on the default Admin group.
To trigger a resync, click on the ellipses, “…”, in the top right corner when looking at a specific deal. There is a new menu option called "Resync Deal".Â
Once you you click "Resync Deal", you will receive a confirmation modal. After confirming, the icon next to the ellipses, “…”, will change to an orange resync icon. This indicates that the resync is in progress.
After the resync procedure completes, it will change either to a blue checkmark to indicate success or a red “x” to indicate failure. Hovering over the icon will give you more information.
If it is successful, the hover message will tell you when the last successful sync was. When the icon shows as syncing, hovering over the icon will tell you when the resync was triggered. When the icon shows as failed, the hover message will tell you when the sync failed.
If a red “x” persists after trying to resync, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager as this may be an indication of a configuration issue or a broader issue.
January 23, 2024Â
Streamline the Process of Authorizing and Managing User Access with New Custom User Groups and Permissions
With the new Custom User Groups and Permissions feature, admin users can create custom groups and permissions in the Management Portal.
A common use case is providing C-Suite and Stakeholders access to only view deals belonging to a specific deal type. Using the Management Portal, create a new custom group that includes all C-Suite and Stakeholders and adjust their access to deals. Then, in the Permissions tab under Setup, assign them custom permissions to only be able to view those deal types.
Creating custom groups with individual sets of permissions offers several benefits:
- Access Control: Fine-tune access control based on roles and responsibilities. This ensures that users only have access to the specific features and data necessary for their tasks, enhancing security.
- Data Protection: By assigning permissions at a granular level, organizations can safeguard sensitive information. Enable a more targeted approach to data protection, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to confidential data.
- Efficient Management: Instead of individually assigning permissions to each user, administrators can group users based on their roles and responsibilities, simplifying the management process.
To learn how to create custom user groups and assign permissions to user groups, visit our Help Center article.
January 16, 2024Â
Email Notifications Added to Tasks & Once Assets Are Delivered
Members will now receive an email notification when:Â
- They are added to a task or when a task they are a member of is updated.
- All asset information is added after an asset is delivered.
October 9, 2023Â
A Better User Experience with a New User & System Management
We’re moving the existing User and System Management capability in Activate to a new, centralized location under the Setup navigation. Now, you’ll be able to change roles, add users, remove users, and edit permissions all in the User Management Portal.
The move will not affect any core functionality, existing permissions, or roles within Activate.
Relocating this function to a more centralized location under the Setup navigation will provide a more intuitive user experience, saving you time when adjusting User Settings.
Old Location of User Management
New Location of User Management
From the User Management Portal, you will be able to invite users and manage their permission groups (whether they are Admin, Standard, or Non-Team Members).
Additionally, only users belonging to the Management Portal and “SysAdmin” group will be able to manage users.
Control Access with the New Process for Granting Temporary Access Requests
Soon you’ll be able to grant KORE employees (i.e., Customer Success Manager, Support, KPI) temporary access (48 hours) to your Activate environment to diagnose/debug reported issues or perform application configurations.
We developed this tool to give you control over who has access to your Activate environment, making it trackable and keeping it secure.
How will the new request process work?
1. [KORE] Employee submits a request to access your Activate environment.
2. [CUSTOMER] All users designated as Admins for your organization receive an email notification of the request with a link to review the request in the Management Portal.
3. [CUSTOMER] The Admin reviews the request and either approves or denies it.
  a. If approved, the KORE employee receives an email notification and gains 48-hour access to your environment.
  b. If declined, the KORE employee is notified via email and does not gain access.
4. [Customer] If a request is approved, the KORE employee will show up in the “User” list with a “Temp Access” status. Once their access expires, they will no longer appear in the User list.
5. [KORE] After 48 hours, the KORE employee loses access to your environment.
6. [KORE] Pending requests are only valid for 72 hours. If a request expires before it is approved or denied, the KORE employee must submit another request.
Are there exceptions to the request process?
KORE’s Support and KPI groups do not require approval to gain temporary access. This will ensure that any of your necessary and urgent support requests are not slowed down. They will still submit requests through the process, but their requests will be automatically approved. Both groups will also only have access for 48 hours and will show up on the User list as “Temp Access”.
Do I have to review every request?
There are two alternatives to having to review and approve requests.
1. Your KORE Customer Success Manager can be added as an Admin to review Temporary Access Requests on your behalf.
2. There is a configuration option that allows all Temporary Access Requests to be automatically approved.
Will this new tool & process be available for other KORE products?
Coming next, KORE’s Evaluate and Helix products will also support the new Temporary Access tool and process.