Activate makes it easy to stay informed of your organization's progress. The notification window shows recent actions taken on the platform. You can optionally get these notifications emailed to you as a daily or weekly digest.
Watch a deal
Team members can watch a deal to receive notifications when it's updated. To watch a deal, open the deal you're interested in and click Watch in the upper right corner—the text will change color and say Watching. Click again to stop watching the deal.
Team members who are deal members automatically watch their own deals, but you can choose to stop watching on a per-deal basis. You will still receive notifications for any tasks you are a task member of.
Non-team members cannot use the watch function. They will see notifications only for tasks that they own or are a member of.
To open the notification window, select the bell icon in the navigation bar. The default All list will be displayed, though you can narrow it down using the filter buttons. Some activities may be shown in more than one of the lists. For example, if a user uploads a file for a specific task, that activity would be shown under both Tasks and Files.
Email digests
Activate can email these same notifications to you for convenience. To access this setting, open your user profile from the navigation bar and select Notification from the list on the left. Choose an option from the list: None, Daily, or Weekly. Finally, select Update to save your change.
Activate sends notification emails at 8am in your local time zone. (If one isn't selected, your org's default time zone is used.) Weekly emails are sent on Mondays.
The email digest also provides a summary view and list of your upcoming and overdue tasks.