Important: This page does not apply to KORE Sponsorship users. Deals are created in your CRM.
To open the Create New Deal window, select Deals in the navigation bar and then click the New Deal button.
Next, enter the details for the deal.
- Deal Name: A unique name for the deal so that you can tell it apart from other deals with the same account.
- Account: The business you're making a deal with.
- Start and End Seasons: The first and last seasons the deal will be active.
- Deal Start and End Dates: These are automatically filled in using the season information, but can be overridden if needed.
- Deal Type: An optional label to help you categorize deals for easier tracking.
- Deal Stage: Deals can be entered into Activate at any stage of their creation. This field indicates the current stage and can be changed later.
- Description: Optional text which will be displayed on the deal page in Activate.
After entering the start and end seasons, you may optionally click Show Deal Terms to record the fee charged for each season. (We encourage rights holders who need more detailed revenue tracking to explore KORE Sponsorship.)
Note: The start and end dates for each season and the list of deal types and stages are set by your org's admin.
Finally, click Create and then Confirm to create the deal.
Important: Since the person who closes a deal is often not the person responsible for fulfilling it, creating a deal does not automatically make you a deal member. You can add yourself by using the Add Member button on the deal overview page.