Tip: This page discusses contracts, but you can also use this functionality to create other documents such as custom deal review sheets for your partners.
Once a deal is agreed upon in principle, you can generate a written contract for review and signatures. Most organizations create a step in their approval workflow for this, allowing their legal teams to review the terms.
KORE Sponsorship generates a contract using a template. You can have any number of templates for use in different situations. Each template consists of:
- A Microsoft Word
document containing boilerplate and content controls (fields) - SQL queries to obtain the data to insert
When the contract generator inserts data about an asset, it uses the Legal Remarks field (if present) from the inventory item or applicable rate card to change the phrasing. By using formatting tokens in the Legal Remarks, you can control how it writes asset information and pluralizes nouns.
Note: During your organization's KORE Sponsorship onboarding, your KORE Success Manager and the KORE Planning & Insights (KPI) team will configure a set of contract templates for you. Following that, most organizations will only ever need to adjust the boilerplate or the Legal Remarks phrases.
Edit boilerplate in an existing template
Warning: Take care not to alter any of the content controls (template fields) or you could break the template. To show them, open the Developer tab in the ribbon (enable it if necessary) and turn on Design Mode.
First, navigate to Configuration Records > KORE > Mail Merge Template and click the name of the template (not the edit button) you wish to change. On the next page, select the Download Template button.
For technical reasons, this file will have an .xml
extension (not .docx
). Such files usually open in a web browser by default, but you should open the template in Microsoft Word to edit it. Find the file in your Downloads
folder and right click the filename to open the extended actions menu. Look for Open with and select Word from the list.
To show the content controls (template fields) so you can avoid changing them, open the Developer tab in the ribbon (enable it if necessary) and turn on Design Mode. Make the desired changes to text outside of the content controls, then Save the changed file. (If you use Save As, be sure to use the .xml
Finally, return to your web browser and click the Upload Template button to replace the template with your new version. This opens in a new window.
Alternatively, you can go back to the list of templates and select Create New Mail Merge Template to upload the new version without overwriting the old one. Provide a name for the template, but leave the File Name field blank. Fill in the Type and SQL fields with the same details as the existing template, then Save. Once the CRM record is created, select Upload Template to upload your .xml
Use formatting tokens
Tip: Use the Excel Import/Export feature to add or change Legal Remarks in bulk.
Each rate card has a Legal Remarks field which can contain specific text to use in contracts. These remarks can include formatting tokens to insert particular values from a deal, or to control when and how a word is made plural.
Token type | Token | Description |
Count | @E | Number of events |
Count | @Q | Quantity |
Count | @TOTALQTY | Total quantity (events x quantity) |
Count | @UOSN | Unit of sale quantity (number) |
Plural | @PE[S|ES|IES] | If more than one event, append the selected pluralization |
Plural | @PQ[S|ES|IES] | If quantity is more than one, append the selected pluralization |
Plural | @TQ[S|ES|IES] | If total quantity is more than one, append the selected pluralization |
Descriptor | @UNIT | Type of unit: commodity, physical, or time |
Descriptor | @UOSD | Unit of sale description |
Descriptor | @ITEMREMARKS | Legal remarks attached to the item |
Deal and rate | @ACCOUNTNAME | Name of the account entering into the deal |
Deal and rate | @DEALSEASON | The deal season that the current rate card applies to |
Deal and rate | @DEALREMARKS | Remarks tied to the deal |
Deal and rate | @SELLRATE | Normal selling rate from this rate card |
Deal and rate | @RATE | Actual rate in use |
Important: A token can be used at the end of a word, but must be followed by either a space or a period. Pluralization tokens must contain only one of the predefined options, e.g. @PE[IES]
Suppose a rate card for a TV spot contains these legal remarks:
Sponsor shall be entitled to @Q television spot@PQ[S] of @UOSN @UOSD each during each of @E event@PE[S] for a total of @TOTALQTY spot@TQ[S]. @ITEMREMARKS
The output might be:
Sponsor shall be entitled to four (4) television spots of 20 seconds each during
each of nine (9) events for a total of 36 spots. Video must be provided in 1080p.
Create a new template
Reminder: Your KORE Success Manager and the KORE Planning & Insights (KPI) team will work with you to create contract templates during onboarding. Most organizations will not need to create any entirely new templates themselves after onboarding.
First, create a draft for your template in Microsoft Word. Write boilerplate and insert blanks where information will need to be filled in. Save this file as a Word XML file (*.xml
). However, do not use the Word 2003 XML format as it does not support the necessary features.
Next, navigate to Configuration Records > KORE > Mail Merge Template and select Create New Mail Merge Template. Paste the default SQL query we provide into the text box to use the default set of content controls. (Alternatively, use custom SQL to declare a temporary table containing everything the contract template may need to reference and write a SQL command to execute a mail merge.)
The KORE Support team cannot help with writing custom SQL queries. Instead, we suggest contacting the KPI team if you need assistance. (KPI services may incur additional fees, depending on your organization's contract with KORE.)
Next, return to your Microsoft Word template. In a separate Word window, open the default set of content controls we provide. In both windows, open the developer tab in the ribbon and select Design Mode. In your template, paste a content control into each blank where you want to insert data. Save your template as a Word XML file (*.xml
Finally, select the Upload Template button and submit your .xml
file. When finished, open a deal and generate a contract using this template to verify it works as expected.