Note: KORE Intake is in active development. Several new features are planned, and this documentation may not reflect the latest updates.
Most brands contribute to their communities, no matter how small or large. Much of this takes the form of event sponsorships and community grants. For example, local businesses and global brands alike may contribute funds for a local 5k run and have their logos featured on the event t-shirts. Or perhaps they sponsor a large music festival or a small art show. But there are other potential sponsorships, too, like charity causes and online influencers.
However, there are always far more applicants for sponsorships than the budget can support. Rejection rates around 99% are common. KORE Intake is a platform for organizing sponsorship requests and processing them efficiently. Applicants provide details through a branded portalBy default, the portal will be a brand-specific URL on the
domain. If desired, we can help you host it on your own domain., then Intake scores the applications according to your criteria to find the ones that warrant consideration. The system can automatically reject requests not aligned with your strategy via a template email message, dramatically reducing the amount of human work involved.
Sponsorship application forms
Main article: Create a new form
You can create different Intake forms for different types of requests. For example, you’d need to know the date of a 5k run and expected number of participants, but for an online influencer, you might instead need to know how frequently they post and their audience’s demographics.
We integrate with Formstack to create the forms used in your Intake portal, making it possible to extensively customize each form to your specific needs.
Automated scoring and rejection
Main article: Configure scoring and auto-rejection
Assign weights to the different answers, including numeric ranges.
If an application doesn’t score high enough, you can (optionally) automatically reject it without human intervention. This helps you save time and effort by only sending applications to the approval queue for human attention if there’s a reasonable chance it could be accepted.
Approval workflow
If an application isn’t auto-rejected, it enters the approval queue. Using the weights assigned previously, Intake shows a “cost per point” figure to help you identify the highest-impact opportunities. You can assign applications to an individual or a group for review. Reviewers can make internal comments on the application and discuss it among themselves before making a final decision.
If you choose to manually decline the opportunity, you can customize the email that will be sent.