Note: KORE Intake is in active development. Several new features are planned, and this documentation may not reflect the latest updates.
The submissions table is the main interface for working with KORE Intake. Using the four tabs at the top, you can choose which submissions to view. You may further narrow down the list by who the assigned reviewer is, or by which are unassigned.
Some columns have additional filtering options. Click the icon (three horizontal lines) to open the filter settings, then choose an option.
You can also create a second condition, then set the system to “and” (both conditions must be met) or “or” (at least one condition must be met).
Table tabs
Not Started
Lists all submissions that were not auto-rejected and which no one is assigned to review yet.
In Review
Lists submissions which are assigned to a user or review group, but for which no final decision has been made.
Lists all submissions which are approved for funding.
Lists all submissions that have been declined, whether manually or automatically.
Review panel
Click a line from any of the submission table tabs to open that submission in the review panel. Here, you can assign (or re-assign) the submission to a reviewer, change the approval status, and add comments. You cannot directly change the submission status—it will change automatically to match, using the custom status mapping if necessary. Click Update when finished.
If you set the approval status to declined, clicking Update will give you an opportunity to customize the rejection email. You can use the checkboxes to choose whether to send the email or not, and whether to include submission details or not. You can also customize the email message if you wish. Click Decline to officially reject the submission or Cancel to return to the previous step.
Use the download icon to export submissions in a CSV (comma-separated values) file which you can open with Excel or other spreadsheet software. You can choose how far back to go and what statuses to include. However, you can only export data for one form at a time.
The exported file will include several columns of data regarding the submission’s status, along with a column for each question on the relevant form.
At this time, there is no import functionality.