KORE’s CRM-integrated products add specialized features for sports and events to your existing CRM. When your organization subscribes to one or more of these products, we install a module for each one. This page briefly describes the Ticketing module’s main features and what you can do with them.
Ticketing system integrations
KORE Ticketing syncs your data from ticketing systems (such as Ticketmaster’s Archtics) into your CRM. Our deduplication process identifies ticketing accounts which belong to the same person and ties them to a single CRM contact, enabling you to see all your transactions with that customer in one place. KORE’s Ticketing Data Manager (TDM) lets you update information in both the CRM and ticketing system at the same time, without ever needing to leave your CRM or enter data twice.
For more information, see the main Ticketing integrations section along with the section for your particular ticketing system (if available).
To-Do List
We recommend making "My To-Do List” the default tab when logging into the CRM. It groups your to-do items into these sections:
The general activities tab shows tasks that are associated with accounts or contacts. Due dates and priority labels help you easily find the most urgent tasks.
The pipeline activities tab presents tasks associated with a campaign. Here, you’ll see how many tasks are tied to each campaign and how many remain untouched. Expand any of the campaigns to see the details of each task.
The orders pending tab shows the ticket sales you’ve closed which haven’t been processed yet. You can see the status of each order and, if applicable, the reason why the box office couldn’t complete the transaction.
The service activities tab is present if your organization uses service cases. This tab lists activities associated with service cases under the service campaign they are associated with.
In all of these tabs, you can click the column headings to sort the list. For example, you might click “Account/Contact” so that all tasks related to the same person or company are grouped together.
Contact page enhancements
A contact page is the hub for all the information your organization has about a customer. KORE’s Ticketing module adds several enhancements to the vanilla CRM experience.
Purchase grid
This grid shows all the purchases a contact has made. It includes all seasons, all ticketing system accounts the contact is connected to, and all of your organization’s databases if you use MultiDB. The heading shows the customer’s lifetime spend and quantity of tickets purchased, along with any amount they still owe. Click any column to sort the table.
Attendance grid
This grid displays all the tickets associated with this customer, whether paid or complimentary. It includes tickets from all seasons and, if you use MultiDB, all your organization’s databases. The heading provides a quick view of how many of those tickets were actually used. Click any column to sort the table and dig deeper into the data. You can also use the filters in the header to narrow the scope.
Ticket groups
Main article: Ticket groups
This table shows which groups your contact is part of. The groups are customized according to your organization’s needs, but typically include labels like “Full Season Buyers” and “Flex Plan Buyers”.
Customer attributes
Main article: Customer attributes
This table presents information about a contact gathered by vendors (such as LiveAnalytics from Ticketmaster). These data points help you focus your efforts on the people most receptive to your sales pitch.
Activities grid
Main article: Activities
This table provides a readily accessible view of what your organization has done regarding a client. It includes both sales-oriented activities (like phone calls) and service-oriented touchpoints (like in-seat visits).
Ticket Sales Opportunities (TSOs)
Main article: TSOs
TSOs represent the per-contact sales process during a campaign. Track the entire lifecycle of a sale, from before the first conversation until the sale is won or lost. TSOs are highly customizable to meet your organization’s needs.
Contact Search Wizard (CSW)
CSW provides more advanced functionality than your CRM’s built-in search. It’s great for finding out whether a prospect or lead is already in your CRM even when you have limited information. For example, you can search for someone whose first name equals Tyrone, last name begins with S, and whose phone number begins with area code 404.
To use CSW, enter the information you have into the fields (leaving others blank) and select the appropriate condition from the selection box:
- Equals
- Does Not Equal
- Begins With
- Ends With
- Contains
Fan Finder
Main article: Fan Finder workflow
Reaching the right people is key to a successful campaign. With Fan Finder, you can use extensive include / exclude criteria to select who your campaign should reach. You can also create marketing lists.
Main article: Touchpoints
Ensure your clients get the personalized attention they deserve. Use the points-based system to set a goal, then deliver extras throughout the season. In-seat visits, free concessions, autographed memorabilia, seat upgrades, and anything else.